

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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everything you said about miranda was true, hope she learned her lesson about dating strangers online

hahaha c:

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No stop everything. Just listen to me, if my opinion matters, then please respect my wishes. Miranda didn't break my heart. My heart was broken over the fact that we weren't close to each other. NOW, my heart is broken because two people I care about are fighting. Please, Stop sending her hate.

you can't stop me. she's the one in the wrong not me.

Don't go calling Miranda a dumb ass , you don't know her so fuck off . You said she wasn't able to call you a dumb ass because she didn't know you. So stop being a hypocrite. Dumb fuck

it's called giving it back to her love. everything she's said to me I said it back so no. I'm not a hypocrite.

Trust me, she's not trying to do that! Just please stop. I already threw up earlier at the thought of losing either one of you. No more hate. Does my opinion matter?

she is trying to. have you not seen her ask?! yes your opinion does matter but she's a fucking cow and needs a lesson learnt

I know! Should I feel bad for that? I mean, I know hating is not right but she is such a lair, I can't stand that.

same here >< she kinda deserves it. karma is a bitch.

You do matter! If you didn't, I wouldn't be trying to fix our friendship right now. And I know. Believe me I saw. But I'm trying to forget that. I explained to everybody that you were defending me. Why can't you accept that she was an emotional wreck?

why can't she say that instead of still calling me shit Hm? she's the one in the wrong here. she's the complete attention seeking bitch. I'm not being funny but she's pissed me off and she needs to learn a fucking lesson. and needs to learn that she can't be some attention seeker all the time to get sympathy off of everyone.

What are u up to ?

sitting here in bed with the love of my life and he is eating a double dip. wbu?

Because it's enough. I'm trying my butt off to bring peace and keep you two separate but neither one of you will listen to me. I feel like my opinion doesn't matter...

I feel like I don't fucking matter. lets see which is worse. I feel like you don't even give a shit that I tried to nicely talk to her but she started an argument with me and called me loads of shit. what's the fucking point.

Name? Age? Relationship status? Youngest you'd date? Oldest you'd date? Bra size? Current bra color? Current underwear type? Current underwear color? Be honest please Xx


That's wonderful to hear. No doubt you'd be one of the first people I'd turn to :)

and if hopefully help c:

I know !! she is not mature at all, I have to say Hannah, you are a great girl and an even greater friend for standing for Chris, you are just amazing for not letting your friend get hurt and for telling that little bitch

thank you c: means a lot

Just out of pure curiosity, if someone was to talk to you about something, is there any topic that you wouldnt know about?

I really don't mind, you can talk to be about fucking anything. from depression to relationships, I'll be there c:

Nooooo don't be disappointed. I wasn't in my right state of mind when I was telling you what happened. I'm sorry, Hannah. She doesn't mean what she says. She's really hurt. People don't mean what they say when they're angry.

mhm yeah right. I bet she meant everything she fucking said. she's a bitch. even to me now. I don't give a shit. I knew I should have warned you about how I first felt about her

Often, people will forget that there are loads of people to talk to , all around them. I'm glad you're one of them :)

I know, and hehe, it's okay c;

I KNOW !! i told her that the other day when she started crying to me, i told her to grow the fuck up, she is going to be 19 soon and blames everybody but herself for all the shit that happens to her.

oh wow. fucking hell. she needs a lesson fucking learnt. if I was the Canadian police I'd make sure she won't be able to get that car and take her licence away forever. she doesn't act mature enough for one so why should she get one?!

That's why I think you're just awesome. The way you stick up for people. And I know that if I ever needed someone to talk to, you'd be there

of corse I will be c:

here here !!! I couldn't agree more with you, she always plays the victim for people to feel sorry for her.

Ikr. ffs she actually needs to grow up. she's like 18 or whatever and acts like a spoilt 13 year old. looks like one too

I know, i was reading her answers, she likes the attention and she she lies, from been depressed to happy to sad all the time, she loves when people gives her attention

Fucking attention seeking 12 year old looking cow. ffs.


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