

Ask @PoppyCurling

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Favorite movie? Favorite book? Favorite food? Favorite drink? Date of birth? Where are you from? Where do you live? Which place would you like to visit? Are you happy? Dogs or cats? Have you ever left your home country? Where did you go? How many languages do you speak?

the notebook or the virgin suicides
The Hunger Games Trilogy
Chicken Chow Mein
j20 orange and passionfruit
Isle of Wight
italy, monarola
many times
greece, alaska, domicon republic, turkey, bulgaria, wales and ive obviously been to london loads
Liked by: danica mai

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1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. What are the first 3 songs? 2) Favourite quote? 3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. 4) What do you think about most? 5) Sexual orientation? 6) Do you have any strange phobias? 7) What is the first thing you notice in new person?

arctic monkeys - teddy picker
justin timberlake - suit and tie
justin bieber - as long as you love me -accoustic-
"you are as fake as the moans you make, and you're as weak as the hearts you break"
"where's the father?" I'd glanced away,then I'd reply "Afghanistan. He's a soldier"
someone who keeps treating me like shit.
im scared of the dark and being alone.
their eyes.
Liked by: danica mai

Do I have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? 19) What’s your biggest “what if”? 20) What is something you disliked about today? 21) What was the last book you read? 22) Smell the air. What do you smell? 23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to?

"what if there's no food there?"
there's barely any food in my fridge, accept some cheese.
how to save a life
the gym omfg.
Liked by: danica mai

What were you doing last night at 12 AM? To you, what is the meaning of life? Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? How can I win you heart? What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Do you have any obsessions right now?

there's no meaning, life is just a vicious cycle. you come out your mothers nunny, you grow up and try and get in with the popular crowd in hiigh school, thinking that they are your friends when really they are backstabbers or just bitchy. you give up and find some real friends, theres barely any but you make some. you chase after the boys you know you can't get, you cry. you find someone you think is decent, they lead you on then drop you and you cry. you fall in love, have sex, fall in love some more. then they use the excuse "it isn't you, it's me" HA. Then you have good days in life, when you feel complete, then you have days where you think you might just break. you do really well in classes but then get kicked out a few. you worry about life... and your weight. You make mistakes, you break rules, break laws, lie, hurt, ache, cry, smile, laugh, love, hate.
blah blah blah thats life and lyf goes on. merh.
of course i dont fookin drive, u mad?
you can win my heart by feeding me choco muffins.
i've fractured my thumb before, hideous.
i have a beautiful obsession with carbs and Paramore - Still into you:))))

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Liked by: danica mai

Hair color? Favourite style of clothing? What was the last lie you told? How do you feel right now? Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? How do you vent your anger? Are you excited about anything? Are you happy with the person you’ve become?

chocolate brown
grunge or vintage
"i don't hate you"
sad, merh.
i swear a vent is the thing Zack and Cody from The Suite Life always used to climb in to?
urm, the weekend i guess?
in some ways yes and in some ways no..
Liked by: danica mai

Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? What is your astrological sign? Have you smoked weed? Love or lust? In a relationship? How many relationships have you had? What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?

i never can even though i'd like too.
aries, if that's an astrological sign.
no, but i'd like to have a try.
quite a few, only like 3 long serious relationships. but all the other relationships were nothing special
be me'selff

Had a crush on someone of the same sex? What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Favourite pizza topping? What are you really bad at? What do you like about myself? In your opinion, what makes a great relationship

holding grudges
I think a relationship works when there's trust, mainly. I dont think a relationship should be your number one priority, i think it should be laid back and easy and whenever there's a bump in the road you should find a way to work it out rather than giving up straight away. I don't think relationships should be too exploited over the internet, facebook, twitter ectect. because theres always one person who's gonna want to interfere. So i think things should be kept simple and not rushed in to for them to keep working.

If you had one wish, what would you wish for? Do you have any pets, if so, what? Favorite instrument? If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be? What’s your favourite type of weather? What is your best friends name? What’s your favorite exercise?

i'd wish for beauty probs
i have a rottwhieler
Liked by: danica mai

You get all these amazing guys that I would kill for... How do you manage to keep losing them?

they might look perfect but that doesent mean there personalities are
Liked by: danica mai

OP - Jess Macmillan?

she was my best everr friend at carisbrooke, my sloth sister. i love her to bits and miss her even more. she's beautiful and no one can say different. she's got such an amazing personality and i'll still always be here for her.
Liked by: danica mai

OP - Marcus Burgin?

used to be SOOOO close to him. we've been there for each other since day one. he was with my best friend and once my best friend moved schools she didnt really want much to do with me or marcus. I was hurt&so was marcus so we've kinda always had each others backs since that day, just kinda supporting each other. we both cut off the heads of the teddies she gave us, it was sad but it felt good. we used to go on webcam to each other for hours and we used to show each other our food and things we found in our room, omg so weird. :S we used to sit next to each other in pretty much every lesson last year, we could be ourselves round each other and we used to sit in music writing our names on one anothers hands and stuff. He went out with the girl that bullied me later on when i started to get feelings for him but when me and the girl he was with had fights he was always on my side. I remember when him me and megan all went into freshwater and we walked her dog and we saw some girls on the swings and we thought they were high or something and i got scared. then he payed for me to have a chinese take-away and then he carried all these heavy bags for me. and then this year we only had maths classes together:(( but we always laughed together so much omg hahahahaha .especially when he dropped the table on the weird teachers toe and she threatened to quit because of us both. or when we just spoke for hours about sloths. and then i had the news that i was moving away from him. on my last day i was going to tell him, but he never turned up... :'(

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