

Ask @PoppyCurling

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Op on Naomi skelton

we used to hate each other because she threw a bin over my head -_- but we always have banter together, she calls me a tramp and i call her a hoe. that's just how it goessss

If you can only have one forever: Love, money or good health. Which one would you choose? Just curious what people would pick. Ask me something too, please, if you don't mind. Thank you :) X

loveeeee and no thank-you :)

You are so beautiful I really like u Would like to be my GF ^_* I will be the luckiest guy in the world if I can see u topless

hahaha, awww inbox me who this is?:)

Hey, let's play a game. You ask me 5 questions on my profile first, in return I'll ask you 5 on yours. Deal ? The questions have to be interesting. They can relate to anything.

hahahahahahaha no.
Liked by: Marcus Wraxton

do you smoke? Opinion on smoking?

no i don't smoke, tbh, i don't see the point in it? like, what's the positives in it? you smell, have breathing problems later on in life, yellow whites to your eyes, yellow teeth, grimy hair, yellow nails, you die at a younger age and there's a high risk of lung cancer. yeah i think i'll pass.

You hate bad roots cause i am a very good example of someone with bad roots atm eww like it lookes bad hahhaha dont bad roots make you jizz?;)

you have bad roots? i didn't even notice but yeah jizzin' everywhere gjwiathkjbrhgb ;D

2. 100 things u like 0r love

1. Drake
2. my hairrrr
3. my friends
4. my family
5. topshop
6. kyle, aww
7. beanies
8. Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging
9. my phone, ily
10. my laptop,, ily2
11. chinese take aways
12. chocolate bueno bars omg
13. my dog
14. boys that can play guitar, hott
15. boys with a rugby player body, holy macrol
16. ellie goulding
17. individuality
18. summer
19. walks on the beach on summer evenings omg
20. romance novels... dont laugh
21. wearing oversized t's.
22. feeling the luuurv
23. boys that bite they're lip
24. blue eyes.
25. ventnor botanical gardens, dont know why but i love it there
26. christmas
27. opening presents.
28. good suprises
29. tumblr
30. sausagess
31. Pitch Perfect
32. maltesers
33. when i wear hotpants
34. backcombing daa hair
35. wearing short stufff
36. unexpected cute texts
37. scented candles
38. bubble baths.
39. music.
40. crying from laughter
41. cheering people up

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Liked by: Kyle Chessell

1. 100 thing's u hate

hahha ok what?!? i'll try but i doubt i can do them allll
1. kfc's gravy, wtf is in that?!
2. carly rae jepsen, STFU.
3. my dad's friend who always says i'm really loud... i don't care,bye!
4. anon's that give hate, lololololol plz maytee
5. boys that are cocky
6. girls that know they are pretty. ew.
7. ice in drinks, ok leave it out? i'm scared i might choke.
8. periodsss. who da fuq r u th0?!?!?
9. skinny people that say they're fat, shh or your getting backhanded.
10. my large hips. no baby nooooo.
11. a majority of the ctk people. big headed goons.
12. people with greasy hair, not even kidding when i see greasy hair it makes my eyes water.
13. people with long luscious hair who decide to keep it ratty? ew. i'll be laughin' when you get dredlocks.
14. chavs, ew.
15. bitchy girls, please guurl.
17. backstabbers
18. carly rae jepsen
19. this question
20. the fact that this is taking too long
21. girls with flat hair... can i backcombe that shit?
22. hipsters
23. being called a hipster because you have tumblr. what?!??!
24. people that act hard, no mate you're scum.
25. sluts, please put some clothes on?:)
26. loud people, i'll stab you with a fork
27. people with bad roots, eugh mate, what do you look like!
28. the way i used to look.
29. the fact that i nearly got a double chin.
30. people who wear leggings and have a vpl -_- (visible pants line)
31. people who write status' about how they want a fag. i don't care.
32. people who say how 'smashed' they're getting, once again i don't care.
33. people who pretend to be drunk, no. just no.
34. people that speak 'text language' eugh, such a turn off with boys.
35. when kyle speaks 'text language' just to piss me off
36. people that have no sense of humor.
37. people that make others self conscious.
38. bullies.
39. people that take the piss out of self harming!
40. geese.
41. girls in the year below.
42. pauls boutique, tacky shit.
43. people who hate sloths.
44. when you're jealous.
45. when you've fallen someone you know you shouldn't of.

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Liked by: Kyle Chessell

What celebrity irritates you the most?

Carly Ray Jepsen or however you spell that hoes irritating name! No, its not always a good time and I bet that lad just pretended to be gay so he wouldn't have to see you flirt awfully badly again. You're so happy, shut the fuck up and be sad. Eugh.

You look beautiful in you profile picture!:) x x x x x I dont know you but dont listen to those sick people saying all that stuff your beautiful and dont ever think any differently ok? 'cause you really are!

awww that's so kind, thank-you very much :) x x x x x

it makes me sick that people would actually write stuff like this on here there obviously very low lifed sick twats and are obviously jealous of you, there is nothing wrong with you poppy, your amazing, you're such a lovely girl and so sweet I love you x x x

awww! thank-you so much, i love you too whoever this is :) x x x

Remember whwn we used to go back to yours after school and we would go to the roman vila and you layed on the floor pretending to cry cause it was shut and then we would go to yours and make dances up and i would be scared of your dog haha aw:3 ly

omg yes and there was that man outside the roman villa that worked there and he was watching me as i layed on the floor going' noooooo!' and pretending to cry and he was like 'so lovely to see young people so keen about history' ahahaaha. omg and yeah when we did that rhianna one and my brother was getting annoyed with uss. ahhh god, so many memories... :') ily

Opinion on kelsey hendy, ashleigh martin,danni hall,

don't really like kelsey anymore, don't speak to her. she just bitches about people with chantelle and isobel and stares at people making them feel self conscious. whatever, i don't even like her now.
Ashleigh is lovely, she's so pretty and we've got so many weird memories, i miss her because we barely even talk anymore and that pretty much sucks :/ but yeah she's so funny hahaha
Danni Hall, i can't stand her, if you want to know why scroll down ive answered this before.


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