

Ask @PoppyCurling

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You really are, you the cutie, the fittie, the hottie and the pretty! xxxxxxxxxxx

oh stop it ;) who is this cutie though? ;) xxxxxxxxxxx

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If you had wings, where would you fly? I know you don't know me but I'm bored so I ask random people :D

urmm.. i'd get da fuq away from this house probs.

I've added you on facebook so we can talk on there if anything happens:') because of you I've managed to understand that I'm doing is wrong. I know people have told me it before but because you've gone through it, I guess I listen more :$ I can't thank you enough beautiful, love you lots! X

yeah I've accepted it, just inbox me whenever you need me! Obviously, what you're doing right now is going to be difficult to stop but just try and take bits of my advice. Times will get better for you, everyone has theyre ups and downs and that's okay, not all of us can cope in the same way, so people like us turn to hurting our own body. It feels like we're relieving something but you've got to find different thimgs for relieving the pain inside like writing out your feelings and keeping a journal of it all. It really does help! Things will change for you sweet pea but I'm glad ive come to some help, love you too! xxx
Liked by: danica mai chloe

Your advice is what I've been looking for, for such a long time! Thank you so much bub, ill try my best to sort everything out. Ill get someone to come and speak to me like you said, and ill keep you updated on everything if you like? I admire you so much x

Oh my god, really? Well I hope it all goes wel, infact I know it will! Stay strong and keep your head held high.I'm glad that I've helped, you've put a smile on my face :) and yes please do keep me updated on everything!I'm still here if you need more advice and if its more private then inbox me on facebook. I just want you to believe you're perfect in every way x

I know that this will sound silly & I'm sure you don't want everyone to keep bringing it up, but how did you manage to get through it all and end up with that gorgeous smile? 3 years has gone & I still find myself staring at the blade and the pills:/ have you got any advice? It would mean a lot :$ x

I'm sorry but I'm awful with advice but I'm going to try my hardest..
I stopped self harming when i realised my friends and family were distraught and just hurt when they found out about my self harming. You need to realize that you are loved by your family and friends and they'll always be there for you, even if it doesn't seem that way. I promised them I'd stop, even if it was hard. Over time I finally stopped. You are beautiful in every way, perfect. Throw the blade and pills out the window as far as you can! Whenever you feel you need to hurt yourself do something to keep you entertained like reading or going on the laptop or something. Listen to upbeat music instead of sad songs (thats what I used to do.) Keep a diary and just flood out all your feelings in there, just write everything. Talk to a close friend and they can help. Discuss counselling with your parents theyll be completely supportive. And through all these hard times just remember that you're beautiful and theres people going through the same as you. Stay strong sweetheart x

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God knows why you get bullied or self harm, you're gorgeous and need to stay strong in every possible way! Just don't take no notice in all the cretin's that give you shit! x

thank-you, it means a lot! x

That tattoo sounds really depressing...you wouldn't tell people you cut yourself unless you wanted attention.

you see what I mean?!? as soon as someone knows you've self harmed you've all of a sudden became an attention seeker! No. Shut up. You clearly do not understand anything. I am not an attention seeker but I'm incredibly open about it. My tattoo might sound depressing to you but to me its a story of my teen life, it has nothing to do with you. All tatoos hold a story and there's mine.

Good that you have stopped. It's not worth it just to take the pain away from the cunts who bully you for the way you walk < (think that made sense)

It wasn't just that, I've got used to the constant bullying about the way I walk, I know this might sound weird but its just part of my life now till my operation. Other stuff happened too, worse than the names I were called. I think self harming is addictive and it was difficult to stop. I tried stopping because if someone catches sight of them you'll get called an attention seeker. I am not! But I do think there is people out there who self harm for no particular reason now almost like its becoming a trend. Who even is this though??


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