

Ask @PoppyCurling

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Leave Poppy alone, she's lovely.

thank you so much. But if I've made them feel like they want to kill themselves I feel awful and just sick, its made me cry. But I'd never do that to anyone, but thanks x

[x]cute [x]pretty []hot []average []ugly. you're my . . []friend []good friend []best friend [x]stranger. I would.. [x]hug []smash []pass [x]kiss on the cheek []none. what i would do with you . . []date [x]friends []none

Liked by: no one special

defooo on me then babes;) ooo, you're soo mind controlling its almost orgasmic<3

Pfft I know that's obvs why I'm named The Sex Goddess ;) they alll want me!!! ;O ahaha
Liked by: Lauren

If your best friend was losing there hair because of cancer, would you give up yours for them?

Seriously if any of my friends got cancer I'd shave my head and stay with them all the time. I'd tell them how beautiful they still were and how they were so brave. I would save up all my christmas and birthday money to buy them a real expensive wig, that would be so good that you wouldn't even tell was a wig. I'd spend all my money on them and take them on days out. I'd call them all the time to see how they were doin. Id make them still feel perfect in every way. I'd also raise awareness for them. Shaving my head for them?! Of course I'd do that and I'd clearly do so much more. My friends are just so perfect and mean the world to me, I'd do anything for them
Liked by: hannnnn

i had a look through your answers. i just agreed with most of them:') plus, you're gingerish, that's hot

i'm naturally brown, i died my hair a non-permanent red ages ago and it was supposed to have faded a long time ago but no i'm just, as you said, gingerish. :L but thank you sweetie :')
Liked by: danica mai


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