

Ask @PoppyCurling

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He might miss you, are you still friends

He does not miss me, honestly. I know? because i would know? not you. not anyone. because its got nothing to do with you. We are friends, yes. But he does not miss me so shh.

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aw cute you think your funny but you couldn't take what i would say to you, you probably cry like you do every time anyone says anything to you

Really? You think that? I'd honestly, without a doubt punch you so hard in the face. So go on, say It to my face. Because I'm not taking anyone's shit at the moment, my temper is so bad so you either stop writing immature shit on here or you speak to me face to face

No problem hun, im here if you ever need to chat, because i have been over some bumpy roads, so if you wanna chat, just inbox me xx

aww okay thank-you xx
Liked by: Hollie

To be honest poppy, i two miss the old times, i rememer when we went to east dean and we all went rock pooling and you were in my maths cllass and we help miss make a fashion show for comic releif and dont listen to these rude and mean people, you are your own self xx

awww good times, good times! and thank-you hollie, that's so nice xxx

i wont give you any banter mmatee see you tommorow pops?<3333333 ly!<3

aww yhh sure thangg... love you too cadee!<3

I'm shocked at the way you treated Kyle, he deserves so much better!

I dumped him? so fucking what! when he came over i gave him so much attention, could never take my hands off him, i was all over him. But he never gave anything in return. I did all i could and then there was tthings going on at home and at school and i needed a break so i left him! why is that so bad? i dont need your opinion, its none of your buisness anyways.

Being specific to what 'old times' mean Primary school, old friends from primary, what do you miss the most?

wow. i miss loads. i miss kai. I miss ellie. I miss everything. Back then i didnt have to give a fuck, i loved school, was doing so well, i was happy, not exactly the prettiest but fairly popular. I didnt have anxiety then, i didnt have depression or mental health. I was healthy and happy there was no times i cried myself to sleep because i was that desperate not to go to school. I was just a bubba really. I didnt worry about boys or what people thought about me, i was just happy. I miss how kai, me and ellie were inseperable and were together for years and years. they made me who i am now. i still love them. we've all changed. ellie's popular now and puberty has done her well, there's me with all my issues and now, i don't even know what kai's doing anymore but we've all changed.
it was just the days where we used to all lay in the field and give each other piggy backs and roll down the hills and go on the adventure playground. i miss it all....

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Liked by: Ellie Speed

Do you miss old times?

can you be a bit more specific with what 'old times' you're talking about please?

So why did you end it with kyle?

Because I had sooo much stuff going, i had a lot of problems going on at home and it was alll very stressful trying to fit in at medina and i couldnt really ever make time for him and when i did i was always really upset with things and he never came over to me and kissed and cuddled me like i wanted him too. I was lucky to even have him and i just took him for granted and left him. Now, I want him back because I miss his snuggles with me on the sofa and i just...uh. i miss him and dont want to talk about it. because he doesnt want me back 'cause he says "poppy, you left me because your feelings for me have 'faded' but now you want me back? you don't know what you want..."


fucking gorgeous, doesn't fail to make me laugh, his hollister smells amazing. we used to be really close but barely speak no more, actually we did the other night but i miss him....


miss kyle like fuck. shouldn't of left him, can't even get him back ffs.
you don't realize what you've got till its gone.


Language: English