

Ask @PoppyCurling

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Thank you for: - The crushed biscuit in the eye - The pasta sauce all over me - The drink which you spat over me - The slaps - The pinches - The punches to the face - The knee to the balls - The tickles Thank you for all the great memories Poppy ;) I love you.

Kyle Chessell
haahaha, aren't i just the perfect girlfriend, aww ;) love you too.
Liked by: Kyle Chessell

but werent you best friends? you megan and jess were like unseperable, well at school anywayz? i hate seeing you upset or falling out with someone, it cant be that much of a big deal you have fallen out?

trust me, this time, it is. .
Ok, here's one little example of why im annoyed with megan.
me: 'megan, i hope everything's okay for you now'
megan: 'poppy, you make me want to cut myself'
dafuq? ouch...
i tried so hard to be a good friend to megan and she treats me like shit.
she can suck my dick nowww.

thats really mean, why put that on the internet? why? you so mean about the both of them on here, if anything you the mean one, thought you two were like best mates?

but like i said, you think i'm being mean but you don't know the truth about how or why we fell out.

Was just wondering if you and kyle broke up because I saw your status on facebook saying good riddance or something

nope, i don't use the term 'good riddance' but i know what status' your on about and its about an old friend...

oh but she was pretty sure it was, why cant you guys just all be mates?

because I honestly hate her, i know hate is a strong word but i mean it. you don't know what she really did, you'd be shocked. but im not aloud to say because she made me promise that i wouldn't because she didn't want people to know the truth and know what she's really like.
But yeah, you'd understand why I hate her so bad if you knew the truth.
'And besides, being friends with her was just shit to be honest, I mean there was always drama when being friends with her. I stuck up for her in practically everything, she never thanked me once...
I've got new friends now, they're all so lovely and friendly unlike her.
Everyone thinks megan's so sweet and cute but she honestly isnt if you knew the truth.
'And i still get shit for being nice and not telling everyone the real reason as to why we fell out.
If you're really that interested then inbox me on facebook?

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thats not what the megan said you two fell out, she said it was you making a status about her?

no. obviously we wouldnt just fall out other that...

its not jess, how has she got 38295739475298357 flaws, she is so nice, how was megan and jess a mistake, thought we all were best friends, i dont get how you guys even fell out ?

Megan and me fell out because of something secret. I'm not aloud to tell anyone because of how bad she'll end up looking and she doesn't want anyone knowing the truth of what she really does and what she really acts like. So instead she's made up another (pretend) reason as to why we fell out, to make me look bad instead. So yeah, everyone thinks megans so lovely but you honestly don't realize what she's hiding.
Jess just popped up on facebook (because she's too scared to say anything to my face) and said that I was dead to her, how nice :))) so that's why we fell out.
And yes, jess has many flaws mainly because of her fucking personality, she claims to be friends with a lot of people but she actually bitches about a majority of them such as;
- Lauren White (mainly)
- Ebony Ray
- Courtney Millar
- Imogen Dixon
- Megan Williams (even though they are supposed to be what? Best friends? Pfft)
- Danni Hall
- Amy Hobbins
So yeah, sorry but Jess isn't as nice as you think, she's a total bitch.

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i know you and kyle are soo happy together , but i have been i love with you for so long and i know dont know who i am, but needed to get it off my chest.

urm, inbox me on facebook?


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