

Ask @PoppyCurling

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Oh hell nawh, you're all of those things, those skinny girls with perfect hair? I'd rather have someone like you, not too skinny and massively stunning<3

oh my god that is sooo cute, aww come off anon! you're so lovely, you've made my evening... <3

...continued... They want you to feel insecure about yourself, don't let them win even if you agree don't let it hit you, throw it back and get back up you're strong enough too, although I have never met you I see you on my stream getting loads of hate, so I thought I would say something.

♪ Rebecca Powell ♫
Thank you so much, seriously, this has really made my day :')

1) you are skinny 2) you're hair is lovely! 3) you're gorgeous 4) I bet you're a lovely person 5) you will find someone to send you cute messages, I'm still surprised your single 6) everything happens for a reason, don't listen to the fucking idiots hiding behind an anonymous post....to be continued

Thank you so so so much, oh my god <3

Right, I saw this on my stream, I'm completely random but dear ignore them you're better than them, you're much better, you're lovely and cute, don't let them bring you down as genuinely you seem like you've been through a lot but stay strong you amazing, perfect, beautiful, stunning, gorgeous girl!

Aww, but sorry, what? I am in no way 'amazing, perfect, beautiful, stunning, gorgeous girl' I am nothing.
I'll tell you what is perfect, girls with skinny figures and perfect hair. Do i look like I have that? The only part you got right was the part where is says 'you look like you've been through a lot' Even though this is the kindest, sweetest possible thing ever I sill think there's a possibility you've got the wrong person. But if it was supposed to be me then thank you, you've made my day so much. But this is truly beyond the kindest thing ever.

What about your pussy? It might fit...

I'm sorry my cat died two years ago, it started moaning and hissing and just dropped dead off the chair! It was 17, do you know how old that is for a cat?!? It was called Fiver, because that's how much it cost. I didn't like Fiver much though, he'd act all cute and innocent and then it would just claw my face. Ouch.

So r u a virgin? (toes toes licky licky)

Dont you just love llamas, there's just something.about them that's just so beautiful, don't quite know what it is about them... and stay the fuck away from my toes or otherwise my llama will come and find you.


Language: English