

Ask @PoppyCurling

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So what attracts you to kyle

his personality most off all. The texts he sends randomly whilst i'm at school telling me he loves me, that's pretty cute tbh :')) but when i'm not feeling good, like ill or sad he'll send me a paragraph on how much he loves me and how he thinks the world of me. Spending the weekends with him is just the best, like curled up on the sofa with him cuddling whilst watching some rubbish on t.v is the best, the way he strokes my hair whilst he's cuddling me, it's so nice that the last time he was doing it, i fell asleep -_- He's bought me a valentines card too, which i'm soooo happy about, it'll be my first ever valentines card i get from anyone and it's better because it'll be from my actual first love. You don't understand how excited i get to see him. Like next time i see him, i think we're going for a walk somewhere but yeah, i love just holding his hand and walking along with him it's probably the best thing ever. I love how when we're with each other we can be ourselves and be goons together.. I love how when he told me the cat was better than me i pretended to be stroppy with him and i told him to shhh but he just gave me a really big cuddle and aww that was cute and when it was freezing and we cuddled up under the blankets together and just layed there for a while :) so yeah, you can see what his personality is like... it's amazing, i love that. and he's soooo funny too.
I also love his build, i don't know why but yeah. i love that he wears beanies, i love it when boys wear them. The fact that he can play guitar, i think that's cute. i think he's gorgeous too, like really hot. Just the way he is... i feel so lucky to have him.

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so that explains why we're seeing each other and why he's bought me a valentines card and how he see's me every weekend. Also the fact that when i do meet him he holds my hand and cuddles me for ages and the way he tells me he loves me constantly.
I can see where you're coming from... he must hate me loads.

this is so funny people are saying shit about you are kyle, your both perfect for each other, you make each other so happy whenever you talk to each other i can tell your talking to him 'cause your face lights up:'), don't listen to them they are insignificant ily boo

I'm guessing this is megan, haha I know they're pathetic:L aww, i love you too sweetie
Liked by: danica mai

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You are funny. I would Like to say HI . we should meet . if we kissed i would shocked. I wouldnt kiss you because your Kyle's :3 . if we cuddled i would be like woahhh but kinda cute . I would not Date you because your Kyle's. I think you're amazing and cool :) . I would rate you a 9.

Marcus Wraxton
aha thank-you

Ok.. this is going to sound stupid.. but.. for the past year, I've been self harming. I do it because, I hate myself. I feel like I shouldn't be alive. I feel so alone. And no one understands. Cutting is like an addiction. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore, I think I'm in depression..

I know exactly how you feel, we've both been in the same position, feeling the exact same. This doesn't sound stupid at all.
I know cutting is difficult to come out of but you just need to do things when you're feeling depressed to take you're mind off everything, such as writing in journals, letting it all out into the paper. I thought that was helpful. But other people find that strategy not so good and it makes them think about it more so instead of writing why you want to cut and how you feel, write about the good things that have happened during the day. It'll make you realise that there is reasons to be here.
Sometimes it's better to listen to upbeat music because it makes you more happier not sad slow songs like Lana Del Rey, something more fun.
But there is so many more people in the same position as you are and you are all so strong. You are all so beautiful and amazing characters and just because you can't deal with emotions in the same way as other people, it does not make you any different. You will get through this because there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. I guess, right now you're thinking that this isn't true but there is and you'll always come out so happy in the end.
It might take months or maybe a year or maybe no where as near that long but at the end of the day you'll get through it.
You are loved and you should be alive, god didn't put you here on earth for no reason, just fight through this. :-))
People are always going to be there for you, your family and friends. You aren't alone. You just don't realize right now there is people who won't give up on you. I wont either! Inbox me on facebook and i'll give you more and more help.
I bet you're absolutely stunning and i think you're a princess for trying to fight this and coming forward and speaking about this.
It seems to me like you do have depression but i can't decide for you. You need to open up to your parents about this if you haven't already told them. I was scared of telling my mum and even though she was upset about it she was there with me 100% and she made me feel so much better, infact, she was the one to make me stop.
Even if you don't have a Mum, turn to anyone, a friend, a teacher, a career. They are all here for a reason and they will support you and stand by your side.
Just tell an adult and they'll go with you to these special doctors who will give you counselling sessions (which will help a lot when you let it all out to them) and if they think so... they'll also diagnose you with depression.
But please, just realise you really are not alone and so many people do love you. You can even speak to me on facebook and i'll help you to the best of my ability!

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obviously the people saying you don't deserve kyle are jealous so don't listen to them your not messed up in the head at all poppy


Basiy, stop saying shit to Poppy on anon. Man the fuck up aeother say it off anon or don't say it at all? I really like Poppy, like I love her. We both make eachother happy, and help eachother through everything. We're happy so leave it at that. I love you Poppy.

Kyle Chessell
<3 <3 <3

you do not deserve kyle because you have a shit personality, your as rough as you like and just a skanky peice of shit. i admit you are pretty but yo7u know you are!

I was in the midst of writing a huge paragraph on how wrong and stupid you are but I thought fuck it. At the end of the day, you're on anon and everything you've just said is wrong. I am so so so so happy with kyle, i don't know quite what's going on between us two but right now i'm very happy and couldn't ask for anyone better :-)) i think you must envy what me and kyle have, to have the nerve to lecture me about how i'm not good enough.
go fucking slut-drop on a cactus.
Liked by: danica mai

What is a (trout pout)?

lol. why did you put trout pout in brackets? what stage are you at in english? :L aha.
but here is a trout pout at it's finest...
What is a trout pout
Liked by: danica mai

I don't have a clue what Kyle see's in you. You are pretty messed up and he doesn't deserve your shit

jesus fucking christ, i cannot be fucked to have an argument. basically, i'll just shorten this for you 'i don't give a fuck what people say about this because you are a twat. and im in a shit mood and i feel like im dying with pain and i just want to stab you with a fucking fork
and then get orange juice in your eyesssss. fucking hellllllll i am so happy with kyle and i think he's happy with me. and we're not in a relationship, so wot. are you jealous because you've never felt loved or something? '
you're a little gimp
Liked by: danica mai

Saddest lyrics you know off by heart....

I said, "Girl, can I tell you a wonderful thing?
I made you a present with paper and string.
Open with care now, I'm asking you, please.
You know that I love you, will you marry me?"
Now son, I'm only telling you this...
Because life, can do terrible things
You'll learn, one day, I'll hope and I'll pray
That God, shows you differently
She said, "Boy can I tell you, a terrible thing?
It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks.
Please, don't be sad now, I really believe
You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me"
Slow, so slow
I fell to the ground, on my knees
Liked by: danica mai

Kyle really likes you and I think you two should get together. It's only a 2 year age gap so dont listen if people give you hate

Aw, well I don't know whats going to happen tbh. And I know, I dont reckon I'd get any hate about the age difference, its not really a big deal. And yeah, I really like Kyle too :)
Liked by: danica mai

Friends with benefits sorta stuff ?

hahahahaha, omfg no. that made me chuckle:)) no, but we tell each other we love one another and we cuddle loads and hold hands and act cute and stuff but we aren't in a relationship nor seeing each other or anything really. at the moment it's just a 'thing'.
Liked by: danica mai

Okay wierd is oit one of them its complicated relationships

i don't know, we're not in a relationship and we're not really seeing each other. I guess the best way to describe it is by saying it's a 'thing.' But we both really like, basically love each other. but bleughhhhhhh
Liked by: danica mai


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