

Ask @PoppyCurling

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who do you hang around with at school?

kiri, daisy, kirsty, chloe, shanese, connor, izzie, darcy, alix, angel, ashleigh, beth, aliesha, chelsea, jordan, sam, tom and othersss

Quick survey 1.Do you find the opposite sex confusing? 2. Are things in your life going the way you planned? 3 Last person you sent a text too? 4.Are you happier or sadder than you were last year? 5.Have you ever done something you promised yourself you wouldn't?

1 - urh, i find everyone confusing... :S
2- I didnt plan my life its filled with too many suprising obstacles.
3- I broke my phone so idk
4 - Sadder, which is a shame...
5 - Mhmm

what's your idea of a perfect relationship?:')xxxxxxx

my last relationship i just had, a cute one. :)
where i could actually be my proper self around him and be a freak without him really caring i guesss? like when he used to pick me up and kiss me, aw:333 or when we used to get in to mine and just snuggle up on the sofa and argue about what film we're going to watch... Where he wouldn't ever want to make me cry, and when he does he'd feel so bad and cuddle me and get really sad. Where you could wake up to random paragraphs or essays if i were in a bad mood the night before. He used to take my banter which i was shocked by.. ;)) where he'd bunk college to come see me during the week if i was off school for whatever reason.. and kissing in public, aw. he got along with my family reallly well but i dont think his mum thought too much of me tbhh haha.. but yeah we just had a cute relationship:)

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What's the furthest from home you've been?

on my own - to nine acres field :/
with people - the other side of the worlddd

Oh sorry:/ hows medina is better than your old school?x

just is ya'know, there's no bitching or bullying :)))

You ain't inviting any Carisbrookes to your sleepie? BUT YOU INVITED ME OMGOMGOMG! I feel soo special :') love you Popsie pie! Miss you so much! + oh lylylylylylylylylylylylyly again :) <3

no one special
aww love you toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bby xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoo

anybody at carisbrooke you'd want to come to your party if so who, if you are having a party lul

"lul" what are you?...

anyone from carisbrooke you want to come to your party, if so who?

urm urm urm dunno uhhh, lauren, ebony, courtney, molly, bekah, iesivbcsaiwolbcds dont like many people so thats probably itttt


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