

Ask @PoppyCurling

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I would of made it longer but i'm only allowed 300 characters :( but I love you too gorgeous, head up, cannot wait to see your gorgeous smile tomorrow:'D xxxxxxxxx

awwww my gappy smile hahaha;-) cant wait to have a giggle with you :-*
Liked by: 0reob4by

Poppy, you're gorgeous inside and out and no one can change that about you, your fashion is sassy and sleek;) you need to realise how gorgeous you are, there is no such thing called 'ugly'. you're the definition of complete beauty, and any one would kill to have the looks you do, because I would x x

oh jessie this is why you're my best friend, words cant describe how much i love you xxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: 0reob4by

You need more of it lol

99% of girls are really self conscious and hate their body image and call themselves fat and ugly, they see no beauty in the way they look so they plaster their facces in makeup so its almost like they are hiding themselves to become something they arent. i am one of those people. i am also a person who cries over my body image because i dont feel beautiful enough and feel pointless or am made to feel pointless by people like you. i walk around school thinking peoplw are laughing at me or whispering about me. my heart races when i walk around school because im that conscious of what people Are thinking of
me. recently its been a massive problem, leaving the house wearing somethimg that isnt in fashion makes me honestly feel naked infact i end up changing what im wearing to fit in. i now have counselling in and out of school and have to attend groups in which i gain aome confidence. but thanks for making me feel worse, yes dont worry i will defintely put some more makeup on.:) you kinda people make me like this...hope you're so proud! just make sure you're perfect yourself before you judge me or make me feel small...

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