

Ask @PoppyCurling

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how sick are you?yes poppy tried to commit,good thing it did not work!stop making her feel like shit,and telling her how 'she should' you make me sick!honestly I cant get my head around how nasty people are obviously messed in the head! now feck off,i love my poppy;HUGS YOU BEAUTIFUL BEAST POPPY<3

aww love you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: ashleigh

You're just another Amanda Todd, if you commit everyone will just forget after 12 days.

amanda todd is fucking famous, she wasnt forgotten after 12 days!

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Plus her calling you a ducking slag isn't as bad as you calling her a cunt

well no because i stated a fact whereas she did not

Says you having a go at her yesterday like a 10 year old

she called me a fucking slag, im clearly going to have a go at her,
you're such a pussy staying on anon omg hahahha

Because you havnt apologised to Gabi...

if i have no reason too then i won't? you can't make me and this is so pathetic that you're still dragging this out.

You did the exact same to Gabi so ill do it to you....

why are you still going on about gabi?and why are you on anon? what a pussy

So your like the boy who c tied wolf but the girl who cried suicide?

no, look stop acting like you can figure it all out. it fucks me off. you know fuck all. i bet you dont even know me well.


you did not just go there!
I am in fucking tears.
that got me down.
My self esteem -100
how could you say that.
fucking vile.
i can't even...
most hurtful insult ever.
don't say it again please,i beg of you!

I think the anons are a fucking pussy. They need to give me the hate NOT you! Because you don't deserve any of this I do! Keep that beautiful smile of yours pops <3

<3 <3 <3

To everyonr bringing up the Gabi stuff again... Can you please stop it? I don't want people to fall out woth eachother and I especially do not want Poppy to get in the same state as she was the other night. So please just leave it now. Thank you.

Kyle Chessell
x x x x x x xx xx xx

Can you all just leave poppy alone? it obviously bothers her, and you all say all this shit? well if you dislike her and all, why waste you're time writing shit on her ask fm? she started her new school today so i think that should be a start to her being happy?at least come of anon twats;ly pops x

i love you x x x xx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: ashleigh


yes, i feel exactly the same as her. if she feels that way why is she trying to make someone else feel the same

Just because Gabi doesn't say, doesn't mean she isn't thinking about suicide... She has been very distant recently and always asking people what they would do if she did commit suicide... If she does it will be your fault.... Remember that


Why did you not say any if this shit to people's faces while you was at carisbrooke? Puss. Just cause gabi is naturally gorgeus don't mean you need to bitch bout her cause you feel the need to wear shit loads of make up!! Go get a shovel love.

'puss'? honestly? hahahahaha.
i didn't know wearing mascara and eyeliner was classed as 'shit loads of make up'
you're calling me a pussy yet you don;t come off anon.


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