

Ask @PoppyCurling

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What do you think of medina? is it better than Carisbrooke? oh I miss you! :(

the food is better, the education there is better, the people there are nicer, the boys are hotter, we do better in our ofsted inspection so HAHAHAHAH to you carisbrooke ya little fuckerrrss. medina is an upgraded version of carisbrooke basically. but after i probably offended you a lot in that sentence i doubt you'll miss me nowwww.
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what names do you like?

so many, Pheobe, Emerald, Ruby, Maisy, Summer, Angel and safron. aww cute unique namess
and for boys i like;
DEVON, OH MY GOD, I LOVE ITTTT. but you proper pronounce the o.

who was the last person you went out with for the night? come out more babes!

urmm, i went round kiri's house like last week or summin but when i went proper out out it was agessss ago, i went to ryde with molly courtney and shannon

what songs you listening too, you like old songs

drake - practice and yh i know? state the fooking obvious.

1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up.
 2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
 3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
 4) What do you think about most?
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you?

you me at six - always attract, asking alexandria - not the american average, sleeping with sirens - if you can't hang, trey songz - bottoms up, the xx - nighttime, sleeping with sirens - your nickle aint worth my dime.
Probably Justin Bieber, I have a secret love for him;-)))
"finally, she applied a touch of pink lipstick to her mouth and stood back to judge the effect"
uhh, someone...
yes, aw. my old friend wrote a poem about me/for mee when i was really down and red it out in english agesss ago, aw.

Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
 18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
 19) What’s your biggest “what if”?
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
 21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
 22) Smell the air. What do you smell

Not really but oh well. i hate the sound of screaming, hoovers, and most loud things. I like the sound of popping candy in your mouthh. i dunno probs "what if i have a panic attack?" Yeah I do believe in them, there's so much evidence. hmm, idk about aliens i guess there is some kind of lifee out there and there is some evidence but can never be too sure. Nothing, just thin air & a wall. boys aftershave


Language: English