

Ask @PoppyCurling

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Seriously, everyone shut up.. Gabi and Poppy, you don't know eachother or what eachother's been through. Gabi, and the anons... Stop with all the questions. Poppy, be quiet you nob or I'm going to smack your ass when I see you next ;)

Kyle Chessell
ohh shhh ;)
Liked by: ScarlettWills♥

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And you think Gabi has no mental problems, no depression? No bipolar? No anxiety? No dislexia? Think it through...,

if she does then she should fucking understand then!

Poppy just ignore Gabi she's the one who keeps coming back for more of a argument x x x

thank you, someone who understands x x x

Gabi, I had nothing against you, we got on. But saying shit to Poppy about her handling her problems is low... I think you and this anon calling Poppy a slut should be quiet now, and concentrate on School tomorrow ;D

Kyle Chessell

stoping having a go at gabi, grow the fuck up and get to know someone before you judge them

urm , sorry, how can i stop having a go if she's the one on my ask??? twat.

I don't give two shits how you spell it and it wasn't fucking me you idiot, it came up on my home screen

you're making yourself look like more of a stupid bitch than usual.

So you want me to prove that I will say this to you in person? Your the one that started this anyone by saying shit about to to someone on Annon

well it was obviously you asking the questions? i mean, who do you think i am like... and its *anon btw

'wot even r u'? me i am better than you

better than me?!? bullshit

Shut up? What are you? You give us dirty looks? Oh sorry I thought that was just your face ahaha sorry, just don't say shit about is if you don't know us yeah?

oh my god, i can do what i wantttt. fuck off. you can only ever say things over the internet, i feel sorry for you.

Don't ask for your opinion unless you want an honest Answer, if you don't like the truth, you have to live with it, but I know either one of you are gonna get hurt soon, so stop asking her these stupid questions please<3

exactly thank you <3

Am I silly aha you make me laugh, you normal oh yeah very every normal person is judgemental. Ill think you'll find we don't stare if we did how would you know unless your staring?

Because you're all so loud that i'll look over and give you a dirty look to tell you to shut up basically and your all staring. you're boring me now so can you just shut up?

well don't judge someone unless you know them well. just don't judge people. ok?

don't tell me what to do. ok?:)))

Well if that's a fact you need to sort them out aha if you say we're loud you must just be quiet, it's our personality get use to it

i really do not want to get used to it, omg hahaha. are you silly? no i'm not quiet, i'm normal. you guys are just ridiculously loud and all stare. so obviously im going to say something when i have the chance.....
Liked by: Gabriella


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