

Ask @PoppyCurling

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fuck i hope you're ok! i feel so bad now, like wheely bad. sorry i had to make a joke, but i genuinely feel horrible. if i had the money i'd help however i could x

don't make jokes about something so personal that I've just had the guts to tell publicly. Only my friends can do that. But your probably just messing about and saying this for a joke :L

bit full of yourself saying your tits are huge?

well I'm not going to lie about it am i? If someone makes a false statement about me saying my boobs are small when they're not I'm obviously not going to tell them they're wrong. What do you expect? I'm sticking up for myself and telling the truth. Im sure you'd do the same if you were me.

ok well you take a survey, you won't get a boyfriend, ever. due to you not having anal, it's top of everyone's list! You've also got the tits of a 4 year old boy, so they're not even spaff worthy!

Ok mate whatever you say. But hahahahahaha my boobs are actually large, ngl. So you can fuck right off. Im not in the fucking mood. I don't want anal and I won't be pressured by anyone to have it, its out of order. I am not worthy?! And who the actual fuck do you think you are. I deserve a nice boyfriend who will want to watch films and cuddle and kiss and except me for being me! I wont be someone's slut, I don't want a boyfriend who will say 'thats it, let's take this to your bedroom' and then just leave. Because anyone with brain cells would notice that that's called being used. Who or what are you?! Oh ffs, get off anon you nob, because you'll be getting a slap!! I will probably get a boyfriend but a nice one and who said I wouldnt do anything else?!? Sorry, its my decision but I would not like a penis being shoved up my ass thank you very much. I've been pressured into things before, I hate it and you.just don't understand. But mate, do you know me because my tits are pretty huge. I swear to god, say anymore and Im pretty sure I'll turn into hulk and kill all you bastards

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that anon saying you won't get a boyfriend because you're not up for anal needs a therapist. you're gorgeous and yes. this is not a question but oh well.

yeah i know, what an utter cock!! boys like that make me sick.But theyre right, I probably won't get a boyfriend. aww, that's so sweet thank you, so are you!! x

you're not up for anal

rage time - I should be able to get a boyfriend without needing to have fucking anal. I will NEVER be with someone who is just in it for the sex! I deserve better, I deserve respect! I'd like a relationship which doesn't need sex constantly or at all tbh. I just want cuddles and kisses and that's what will make me happy. I won't be treated like a fucking toy, just needed for sex. Clearly you have no respect whatsoever and just use girls. If someone doesn't want to go out with me because I won't have anal with them then they can fuck off and are unnecessary in my life. I've made too many stupid mistakes sticking with boys who don't necessarily want me for anything else but sex. You sir do not deserve a girlfriend and if you do have one I feel truly sorry for her because she obviously gets pressurised into it all, its sick. And if you don't have a girlfriend, well lovely, you know why now. Please just leave and in the meantime learn some respect for girls? If you don't I will chop off your balls and make you eat them.

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