
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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It's Jammy. I'm literally waiting for some smartass piece of shit to make himself known. You're a fuck Anon, and I'm calling you out. Make yourself known.

Oh hey Jammy ><<3

I know I know, my cam just decided to fucking break, but don't worry Im getting a new one on Friday so it will be done then, I really fucking need a camera :c Im so sorry gorgeous, <3

it's okay <3

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You wanna just stop the shit, Anon? She doesn't need to change, even in the slightest. She's perfect the way she is. Shut up, or come off Anon. So then I can really see if you're even worth the air you're currently wasting. Basically, nut up, or shut up.

Who's this? I love you >.<

shud do your massive lol

Right; I just took a picture, me breathing normally not in or out.
Yes, I AM ''massive'' but people love me for who i am. I'd love to loose it all, and I'm trying too.
My boyfriend, Jamie; loves me how I am cause i'm all cuddly.
From all your shit you're giving me, i'm lucky i havent got a sword and chopped it all off, i want too aswell.
But keep criticizing me about my weight, and i swear.
P.s; sorry for posting this horrid picture of my tummy. I had to prove a point; I might be the only chubby girl on ask.fm actually :O

I love your background!! And your Les Mis quote too <3

Bwaha cute isn't it!?
Les mis is like, the best movie ever. o; <3


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