
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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don't go anorexic ffs

Never said i was going too:L, My doctor told me to loose weight, personal reasons.
I may be stupid but im not that stupid :s.

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How much do you weigh honestly? If not how much weight have you lost??

I dont know, i cant remember,.
And about 2 and a half stone..

You're so gorgeous though. don't be ashamed! Werk it gurllll!!!

Im not that pretty >3< As people would say:L.
But thanks

I would of liked it, unliked, liked again, unliked, liked, unliked, liked, unliked, liked, unliked, liked again. Cause it was that pretty.

Thanks i guess :)x

What ages vary for each category?

Uuh.. Not sure XD
I know college can be 15+ but your most likely to still be in school..

Why'd you delete that photo of yourself? You were gorgeous. :(

Because i know i wont get likes.. So i thought i might aswell delete..

I hate this town it's so washed up and all my friends don't give a fuck.

They'll tell me that it's just bad luck.. When will I find where I fit in


What is primary school like? And what comes after it? College?

Primary school, its like heaven compared to anything:L everyones so nice.
Nah. It goes 'play school, nursery, primary, middle, high then college. but Middle school got removed so high school starts at year 7

How many times have you dyed your hair? What colors?

Lost count.
Blonde, Black, Brown, Pink, Purple, red.. probably more, :L

Why do people throw stuff at you? just cause you're trying to better your healthy situation. that's plain dumb..

Cause they think it's 'cool' and badman to hurt people that dont deserve it.
I walk to college sometimes, and walk back (about an hours walk) to try get thinner.
And cause i get told im fat, i dont eat, only like one thing a day. I went to see whoever and they said i've lost weight. so thats made me happier..

Do you workout? Go for runs around your neighborhood?

Nope, Cause i live in a chavy place, so if i TRIED to do that, they'd throw shit at me.


Language: English