
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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Haha i'll try and i love you're hair i wish i hair it but i got a curly mop haha

it's too thick and dead>< but id rather have your hair!

Well you're defiantly not a skanky emo you're beautiful. And i get that too small nose tubby cheeks and that's what make us beautiful,

This is me now, I have ''emo hair'' but i find it comfy, and look at me, i hate it. But i know that it makes me beautiful, i got told my my mum >.>
Thank you, And you're beautiful hun, chin up!<3

I don't get called that....

I get called a skanky emo./;
I also get picked on 'cause my nose is small and i have tubby cheeks. but i dont listen to them!
Listen to your heart!<3


Language: English