
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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you do realize there are people sending your link around ask saying " give her abuse http://ask.fm/TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri shes a virgin and a emo who wont ever fit in lol tell her to die" i think it's sick as fuck but somebody really has something against you

Yeah they sent it to me aswell ;s:L
I guess they hate who i am.. Im not changing no matter how many times my links being sent about.

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dont listen to the kid calling you emo he's a cunt

He must be ._. Ruining my dreams of being a nemo:/ >< hehe thankchu

My auntie does my hair:) which is why she kills me when i do something myself, in year 8 i tried to dye it brown and it went ginger ahaha, and it only works because i'm naturally blonde

My auntie has ago at me for everything :'3 Mine went brown on rednose day :P
Liked by: .nathaanjames dahmer

you're an emoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

You're a nemo*

I have no clue what I used:') i grabbed it and just put it in my hair! my hairdresser killed me ahaha! and same, i bleach my to shreds!

My old friend did mine >< I dont bleach miine, it has no effect :(

I wish i had the guts to dye it them sort of colours:') I died it bright red once and it washed out into some horrid pinky-orange colour! I'm not the best when it comes to hair dye;) and awr, dont let them bother you, and you're welcome!

You might have used Pillarbox red? it does that >< i used poppy red, it turned my hair pink and blonde ><
I alway's dye my hair, im suprised i have any hair :L I wont ^^

I think your hair so nice, i love the colour, and the cunts who give you hate need to go fuck themselves! being a virgin is better than being a slut, which they obviously are:L stay strong:*

Thank you:) I re-dyed it purple and pink though aha.
Im used to them to be honest, the accounts ive made to get away from it all is amazing :s
Im proud of being a virgin though xD I Don't need or want sex. They probably are haa. Thankyou!:*

yeah but they shouldnt be nice to you, you dont have a heart yeah its my opinion lol.. she looks just like you though you sure that isnt your baby? pregnant teens these days need to die lol

Well, it's not my fucking choice now is it!? -.-
Keep it to yourself please.
She looks like me because shes my fucking sister. Who i've not seen for ages cause my fucking dads a cunt.
Pregnant teens don't need to die, what the hell!? You sick cunt! Go stab forks in your eyes ;s

why is everyone being so kind to you? i got that link too and ha you do need to die. virgin? no fucking way. that baby in your backround, how old is she?

Because people have hearts?:s
Thats your opinion then isn't it!?
I am a virgin actually.. And she's one year and months old..


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