
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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Hmmm maybe you two needed this arugment to starta fresh i dont know sometimes it is for the good sometimes for the bad

No idea:/

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Yeaa i know the feeling i hate it to it is like why doea it always have to happene to me ahhhh and ahhh that is not good have you so her all this?

yeah ive told her everything-.-

Ahhh well that is always bad to hear :( well tbh at least he was honest with you and told you now before anything happened between you two and ahhhh well they are your best friend i but yiu will sort it out soon and it will all be happy happy happy again hehe :3

Yeah true.. but i hate when i get my feelings hurt. Its like 'WHAT IS THIS!?!?' xD.
She never makes me happy tbh she makes me hate her -.- making me do shit for her ><

Ahhhh why you pissed off? And im pretty bored to be honest

Cause a guy i like, told me he likes someone else, and she told me too:L and he said he feels like a twat. dont blame him lol. And my bestfriends arguing with me:Ldfjgijergheqghiqweh]

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