
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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whats the worst thing thats ever happened to you???

Well.. My brother took my pikachu teddie off me (the fatter one) and locked him in the bathroom.
I was crying like fuck.
loljk got him back doeee.
Liked by: $tew

To everyone I follow...I hope 2013 is good to you. Thanks for being so awesomee.<3

You follow me? aw :3 You too bub!:3 <33333

How do you see yourself?

As a human being. I see my self as a tall, unique girl who tries to follow but ends up as a lost sheep. Don't mind really, Id rather be alone than seen with twatty people (y)

Dear anon saying Beth attention seeks and doesn't have depression - GET THE HELL OFF ANON AND SEND ME SHIT INSTEAD OF HER. I'm sick of this girl getting so much hate she doesn't fucking deserve. Go fuck a massive swan, shit on it then eat it. Fucking scum.

i love you.
Liked by: Chris Piper TSG-Emma


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