
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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Dont listen to anything those bullys have got to say to you, in all honesty you look like a pretty cool person, you dont deserve what you get off those cunts and to be honest so fucking what if you dont 'fit' in, just be your own person fuck the rest!

RachelBoorman’s Profile PhotoRachel Boorman
Thank you Rachel :'3 it means alot. !x

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fuck you, you're a fat emo

No thanks, If you didn't notice, I'm a virgin. :L
But I'm happy with my life, aren't I? Oh sorry, You're trying to make it so i END that happy life I own.
Well, Go shove a cactus up your ass because I really, couldn't care less.

"But I'm not going too, am I? But I said I wanted to be an emo." all that was wrong so i corrected for you

"But i'm not going too, Am i?
I am a human, but i said i wanted to be a nemo." I corrected you, Because what i wrote has nothing wrong with it.
As Apu saids ; thank you come again. t(' .' t) <3

i don't know you don't even have you on facebook or that but all the fuck's who are trying to get you down are just cunt's so what if your an emo or a nemo or whatever the fuck you want to be it's your life live it as you wish

Thank you!

well maybe you should change your picture. and if you want to be a human then you can't be a nemo which means you must be an emo. btw sort out your grammar

I should shouldn't I? But i'm not going too, Am i?
I am a human, but i said i wanted to be a nemo. :s Get your facts right.
And sort out what grammar? It's fine how it is thank you!

oh, i thought i had taken myself off anon, sorry! and n'awr thanks! i hope so, or people will take the piss ahaha!

it's okay :) Dont listen to people if they take the piss!! it'll look lovely!

Hey there, i just got this thing to abuse you, i don't get why i should? Don't let the cunts bring you down :)

Hey, Ah >.< Thank you Tommyxxx

Gorgeous <3 I want your hair color o//o I've n we been able to get that shade exactly.... It's always a bright pink like... Like a crayon.

Kai Grey
Thank you :'3<3.
Its not that colour anymore though :o

That exactly what I don't get. People throw 'virgin' around as an insult, however, if you were to have had sex, you'd doubtless be called a slut, whore etc... It's nice to know that there are still girls who have self respect though. There's a little hope for our generation still...

Exactly!! :L yeah :'3.

irony right there;) if that is the right use of irony:L hopefully i'm gonna be going baby pink at chrismas :D having different coloured hair is amazing;)

Oh i bet its going to look nice :3. Yeah i love coloured hair too :). WHo is this btw?? o;


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