
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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ew annon YOU'RE not even pretty, Bethany is fucking beautiful so choke on a horse dick! <3 i got you girl<3

Thank you Beautiful, <33

buck tooth lololololo buckarooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

If you're on about this picture, then you're a fucking retard. Im pulling a face, making it look like i have buck teeth. lol faggot.

S.T.U.N.N.E.R. ilysm them haters can go fuck themselves ur beautiful and amazing, ur not fat <3 <3

Thank you omg ;- ; <3 <3

whats so special about your mum hahahaha

Whats not special about her?
I put her at risk of death, i wasn't aloud to be born. but my mum did it anyway, she gave birth to me.
Obviously, but she means a hell of alot to me, shes my number one. When my dad put me down, she picked me back up, she hates it when people harm me, and she gets upset when i used to hurt myself. I dont do it now because my mums everything to me. Shes my bestfriend, one that if i lost her id be nothing. it would be like, loosing my last life on mario or something. Shes the nicest woman you'd ever meet, caring aswell. Fuck off with asking about my mother, and get your own.

okay i shall check on you in a little while:> Stay strong, beautiful. and keep your head up. You're wonderful and amazing, and none of the anon hate can take that away!! Bai, gorgeous!!

Otai >3< I'll try Dx
Baibai <3

to that anon: fuCK OFF ADAM IS A BETTER PERSON THAN YOU I WILL FLIP SHIT GET A LIFE. but yes i shall be yo secret santa and best friend on the internet:'3

thank you for sticking up for adam aw you are amazing.
Yeah okay<3!

I don't see why people treat you like this your such a beautiful girl, and the fact the people call you stuff and wont come off anon shows how pathetic they really are keep your head held high you beautiful no matter what they say<3

Aww;thank you Soph, <3

to that adam guy : FUCK OFF YEAH i can do what i wont

Fuck off and leave my Adam alone. Hes a nice guy, amazing infact.
You're a cunt. die off? might do us all a favor. kthnxbai. xo

how about thisss. i message you on here every day until christmas as your secret santa, then reveal myself on the 25th and give you like.. my facebook and everything?:D

If i last to be on here til then, So you want to be my secret santa? ._.
Noicee. Okay then its a deal.

I cant tell you who i am cos you dont know me DD: but everything i said was true and srs those meAN ANONS GO AWAY YOU LITTLE WHORES YOU GUYS ARE LITERALLY SATAN OKAY JUst leave-.o

If i dont know you it wont matter?;- ; but you're a legand >< i hope they die ¬¬


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