
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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Role playing is aweeeeesome, so piss off anon ;) this girl is fucking beautiful and amazing, so she's perfect okay? Don't like that then fuck off Beth's page :) love you Beth :D <3

Jack Wölki
Thank you jack, Love you too<3
Liked by: Jack Wölki

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thats what you said to the other anon isn't it? and i'm not really giving you attention i'm just telling you now your an role playing attention seeking bitch.. now i must be off things to do have a good life darling :)

Roleplaying isnt attentionseeking.
YOURE attentionseeking.
Liked by: Frankie x

want to know something? your an role-playing attention seeker, all you do is role play with guys then when they role play with someone else you get hurt and bitchy! it's not even real darling and as for attention seeker, pft theres alot on facebook that proves your one.

just thought i'd let you know;

Give this guy hate: http://ask.fm/MrWoelki he's liar, cheat and a teen dad

Err. No? Jack is a lovely guy. he's not a liar or a cheat, and no way near a teen dad. Fuck off a grow a pair. Im not bullying someone who roleplays with me and doesnt bore me like you.

ohh ok :L howd you find it lol xxx

Im following someone on here, and you'er talking to them and i clicked you and though.. WHY THE HELL NOT :3 xxx

well that was out of nowhere :O didnt even talk to me first haha xxx

I saw your thing said send it, so i did :DDD xxx


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