
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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I dont know who you are.. I dont know what you want.. if you're looking for ransom i can tell you, i don't have money. But what i do have are a very particular set of skills, i have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you, if you stop messaging and asking me this now, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you, i will not pursue you but if you don't i will look for you.. i will find you.. and i will kill you.

I wanted to ask you tho, as you seem lovely, and your advice is amazing x

Thank you, But i just cant be criticized by twats:LX

what do you advise? This group of lads pick on me because i'm slightly over weight, &I've got big boobs, and they keep being really insulting, and telling me to get gastric band surgery and a boob reduction job, saying it makes me really ugly, and therefore noone likes me.What do I do? x

Inbox me on facebook? I Dont want people to say my advice is shit aha.. x

so not only do you want attention on here you post it on fb for simpathy? trololol

Oh you're on my facebook too;)? Ooooh this just gets better.
You know,
It was a test, to see if I had you on facebook or not. and i do. Why have me on there if you want to give me shit, inbox is there for a reason you know ;)

omg give 'bethy' (not even your fucking name) loads of attention because she gave me shit advice about smoking weed as if she has a fucking clue? 'smoking weed is bad' not that simple when someone is addicted, dumb fuck

What the fuck:L I should know who I am?
I've never been asked about this shit before. Why dont YOU answer it then? Lets see your advice, WITHOUT using google.
Weed is bad? Just because someones addicted doesnt mean its good..
Wait a second.
You're saying 'give bethy attention' yet your the one GIVING me it?

lol i bet you think you're some kind of life saving agony aunt? lol babe you're as usefull as a gone off fish finger HHAAHAHAHA

No i dont think im some kind of life saving whatever, I'm here because i fucking care:L
I bet you're a fucking heartless hipster that you get now'a days:L
Sorry for helping people.
They come to me for help, Dont call me 'babe'.
And you're as useful as elephant shit.

(I'm the girl who asked about the weed thing) And its started to turn into hatred from others, people bully me for it :c

They're just worried sweetie!<3

I need some help! People are judging me for smoking weed because they think I do it to be cool. In fact its the opposite, it helps me have a good time and be happy for once. You seem like a lovely person and I wondered if you could help me<3

Well, Weed is kinda a bad thing to smoke. Some people may just be worried for you because it kills brain cells. I understand it helps you have a good time and makes you happy, But its the silly way to have a good time. If you have friends, or family that are very random, then i suggest you hang with them for a bit? They'd love your company and it will show you that there's more to life than smoking weed.
How old are you though? May I ask? <3


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