
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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Thats awful, he didn't physically hurt you did he?

no no. If he did i'd tell asap and not go near him:L
but its okay, just gunna let the world know, he was shit in bed. xD
Liked by: Amy

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what an idiot! so you lost your virginity to a twat! :((

Yep:/ I still cry about it now tbh:L it happened 2 months ago and it's still hurting inside..><

did you loose your virginity to your boyfriend? I've only ever had one boyfriend who treated me badly.

nope. He made me get my hopes up, told me he loved me so much, i was 'the one;' but didnt want to get with me till christmas. then i found out he was dating a girl called Danni, And was flirting with my friend Bea. it broke me into pieces, i hate his guts now, aswell as people that know what happened.
Boys can be cunts.. :/

People take the piss outta me, because I'm 17 and a virgin -_- Are you?

well, they're obviously lowlife cunts.
I'm 16 and im NOT a virgin, but im 17 in a month and 5days.i wish i waited etc but im proud of you FOR waiting. Dont listen to them. They can smd. :P

Should girls still be virgins at 17, or is that just frigid?

it's not fridgid. its rare and senciable. most people stay a virgin til like 20:L dont be ashamed:)

10 ppl

i've slept with 1 person. I lost my virginity last month, and its my birthday in nearly 1 month.
please, get your facts right. twat.

whats polycystic ovaries syndrome do?

In my opinion its worse then a period.. Your hormoans are 10x worse and you get alot of tummy pain. You gain weight and get hair on your cheek. I've missed 1 year before, but when you do come on, you wish you was never born:L It might increase your chance of having kids also. kinda depressing. But yeah thats all i can say, if you wanna find out more, googles there.
Liked by: Harry Kelf

whats it like to have a perod?

Hmm.. well, I dont know NORMALLY, because i have Polycystic ovaries syndrome, but what i read from other people it's a living hell..
Your hormoans go MAD, and you just want be locked away on your own. It's not easy for most girls..
Liked by: Harry Kelf

1) Ever been in trouble with the police? 2) Favourite colour? 3) Favourite songs? 4) Best friend? 5) Relationship status? 6) Favourite memory/memories? 7) Lucky number/s? 8) Favourite human being? 9) Best news ever received? 10) Worst news received? 11) Pets?

1) Nope
2) Purple
3) PTV - King for a day + Match into water , SWS- if you cant hang then theres the door baby,<3
4) Laura Macalpine (known her since we was little)
5) Single c:
6) When i went to America (y)
7) 69.
9) No idea...
10) that my bestfriend Katie died >3<
11) fish ._.


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