
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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I hope you do hehe you seem really nice I'd love to get to know you hehe but I'm ugly :p<3 xxxxxx

Thanks:D!, Your not ugly!!<3xxxxx

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It's ok :) do you have kik??? <3 x x x x x x

Not anymore:( I broke my phone, I might have it again soon though!<3 x x x x

Awww don't met people put you down your beautiful n it's ok :)<3 x x x x x

I'm trying not too but my college tutor noticed i've been getting abit.. weird so he made me see a Councillor and she said delete this stuff and make new ones >< I did that Dx Thankyou:)<3 x x x x

somebody sent me something to tell you to die. I pulled up the link and immedeatly was "stay strong" NOBODY deserves the hate you got. Ily. :*

Thankyou:* ilyt

It's ok :) someone told me to give you hate but there's nothing wrong with you you're gorgeous and seem really nice <3 xxx

I just got told its being sent about again.. I might just quit this all together y'know!? :L
But thank you Jamie <3 x x x

I just got a link to give you abuse but your gawguss and I wouldn't ever dream of giving you abuse stay strong people are sick and you are so much better than them

Lauryn Williams
You did? Not again!:/ This is like, my 5th account, cause the abuse and crap i got from my 'link' being sent. Dx
Thank you anyway Lauryn! Means alot!

everyone abuse http://ask.fm/Mo0nPI3 he hasn't self harmed in over a year, lets make him do it tonight, oh yeah. he's depressed ahahaha.

ha what the fuck? no! Daniels a lovely boy. i'm not going to abuse him for your enjoyment.
Heartless prick.

opinion on dieter horth

Well, i knew him from the beach crew, and i see him about alot.
I think hes a nice guy but can be a cunt at times.I guess only when hes drunk aha.
Ive never really talked to him, but i have his brother. My brother said he had to lift dieter on his back in college, and i laughed for some reason, but im sure he is a nice guy :)

Gahh, I was sat there thinking about it for ages and I couldn't think of the other one's name :cc Feel like a tit now. I always get Buttercup and Blossom mixed up T_T'

Yeah i get them mixed up alot :'3. its fine hehe. :3


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