
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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Can I like, wax your face or something? The excessive hair is really annoying me, awks.

Yeah sure. so whatever.

why do you love tom and like kane and also like that other dude as well make your mind up.

Fuck off Gillian you slut.

how do you prefer to spend your time?

Not bothering about other people that are more worthless than a 1p coin.

Hey, Do you know anyone who can draw really well? Do you know anyone who will draw tattoo designs?

No I don't.

To anyone that wants to say shit about beth fuck off, or dont do it anonimously pussys grow some bollocks or fuck off, start me? Thats a invitation, i will give you a reason if you want one js:) ............

smd scott.

Wanna share my chicken? Coz everyones a cunt head and chicken makes everyone better appart from the chickens coz they well get eaten really:/

mmm chicken c;


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