
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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I saw that silly link getting sent around, I don't know you but there are some sick people in the world and you my dear, are beautiful :) I don't even know why someone would care if someone else IS a virgin or not, they are just sad ...They're the weird and messed up one, not you.<3

Thank you so much <3

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please tell me you're not actually dating ben jeffries!

No, I'm not dating him, but i do like him because hes a sweet guy who's treated me like a princess. He cheers me up alot and i dont wan't to loose such a nice guy.
Other guys, they treated me like a tool, and have never been that nice. Whats it too you anyway? Is it because hes not your type or is it because you dont want me to be happy?
But then again, you're an anon. I don't know who you are and i really shouldnt care on your opinion.
If you was my 'friend' then please respect what i do and atleast it'll keep me happy for once.
You're not ruining it for me.
Please don't be a cunt.

No!:o 1. You aren't fat ok and 2. Who cares if you are 'emo' or not? If you're hot, you're hot

Thank you cxxxxxxxxx

I don't know you, but I think you sound great. Ignore the haters, they probably don't want to embarrass themselves by attempting to be like you and failing. Stay strong and have fun:)

Thank you <3

I had the same link as everyone else and who ever it is really has no life if they dont like you for who you are they can fuck off you are awesome in my eyes and i have read alot of the questions you have been asked and they call you 'emo' i bet they dont even know what it stands for! That is all :3

Dale Corris
Yeha but you shared your bed with me so yeah :3

I had someone do the same I'm not going to its pathetic and this person is probably a low life with no job or education haha <3

thanks :D <3

Just had some ask.fm thing telling me to send you abusive messages So, hello stranger :) Nice to see some proper idiots around nowadays lol x

Stephen Richtofein
That was the horriblest thing said to me, ever.
Im joking hehe. Hey ><!! x


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