
Doha Al Hallak

Ask @dohahdg

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At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done, then they begin to hope it can be done, then they see it can be done—then it is done and all the world wonders why it was not done centuries ago. Think about it deeply and you'll find something missein' within you.

JUBA680’s Profile PhotoAbdelrahman Hisham
Liked by: Abdelrahman Hisham


TruexPp’s Profile PhotoNeptune ム
إِلَهِي فَأَلهِمنَا ذِكرَكَ فِي الخَلَاءِ وَالمَلَاءِ وَاللَّيلِ وَالنَّهَارِ وَالإِعلانِ وَالإِسرَارِ وَفِي السَّراءِ وَالضَّراءِ وَآنِسنَا بِالذِّكرِ الخَفِيِّ وَاستَعمِلنَا بِالعَمَلِ الزَّكِيِّ وَالسَّعيِ المَرضِيِّ وَجَازِنَا بِالمِيزَانِ الوَفِيِّ..
Liked by: Abdelrahman Hisham

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Choose to live your life today & tomorrow & everyday. Every morning when you wake up you can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today choose to feel life, not to deny your humanity but embrace it.

JUBA680’s Profile PhotoAbdelrahman Hisham
Liked by: Abdelrahman Hisham

Are there any victories you’d like to share?

TruexPp’s Profile PhotoNeptune ム
I hope to share with you soon that I have a great victory that I finally be able to control my nervousness, my mind, my time and the words I say loudly..
Liked by: Bushra

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. Other people’s opinion of you, whether it’s good or bad, should not be grounds in which you base your self worth. Your value is inherent within you. What matters the most is whether you know you are worthy.

JUBA680’s Profile PhotoAbdelrahman Hisham
Liked by: Abdelrahman Hisham

how did you meet your best friend?

TruexPp’s Profile PhotoNeptune ム
Just as I met every person in my life at a certain station where the train of your life passes.. When you look, you will find a familiar person who is waiting for you to accompany you for a period, and then bid you farewell to the next station, where you will find another person who is not like the last one, but who will make you in another form at the end of the current stage..
Liked by: Abdelrahman Hisham

Quote of the day : Other people’s opinion of you, whether it’s good or bad, should not be grounds in which you base your self worth. Your value is inherent within you. What matters the most is whether you know you are worthy. Loving yourself isn’t vanity; it’s sanity.

JUBA680’s Profile PhotoAbdelrahman Hisham
Liked by: Abdelrahman Hisham

Quote of the day : Breathe darling, this is just a chapter. It’s not your whole story. Either they like you or they don’t. Never try to convince somebody of your worth. If a person doesn’t appreciate you, they don’t deserve you. Respect yourself and be with people who truly value you.

JUBA680’s Profile PhotoAbdelrahman Hisham
Liked by: Abdelrahman Hisham

Start healing your heart and you will look beautiful & Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. Don’t forget to not compare your life to others, there’s no comparison between the sun and the moon, they both shine when it’s their time.

JUBA680’s Profile PhotoAbdelrahman Hisham
Liked by: Abdelrahman Hisham

" مـا بقلبـك ... 💭🕊️"

ahmadbzour858’s Profile Photo✨✓ أحــمــد || ᴀʜ ᴍᴇᴅ ✓✨
اللهم ربَّ الحظوظ، ربَّ القلوب، ربَّ الأمل، ربَّ الذين غفلوا عن كل الطرق إلا عنك، ربَّ الذين مات رجاءهم إلا بك، ربَّ الذين مالوا إلا إليك، تولني فيمن توليت، ولايةً أغتني بها وأكتفي، لا يضرني ضارٌ ولا يمسني وصبٌ ولا نصب، أنت وليي في الدنيا والآخرة، وأنت نعم المولى ونعم النصير..


ahmadbzour858’s Profile Photo✨✓ أحــمــد || ᴀʜ ᴍᴇᴅ ✓✨
من قال إنني أفكر بك طوال الوقت؟!، لم أعد أفكر بك وأنا ‏اصعد الدرج، وأنا أنشر الغسيل أو وأنا أعد العشاء، وأنا أستمع إلى أغنية، وأنا اغير ثيابي، وأنا أتحدث مع الغرباء، وأنا أجلس بصمت أترقب الفراغ.. لم يعد توقي للفظ اسمك عطشاً لا ينفذ، ومحاولاتي لكرهك خيوط دخان، ولم يعد قلبي طائر دائم الترقب
وعيناي ليستا شجرتين مزروعتين على دربك
ولن ‏نلتقي في لوحة ما، زرقاء بروح الماء، ورماديّة بطعم التّعب..

Quote of the day : Don't be afraid to fly, so Live your life in your way and don't care about what people say &Be the master of your mind, rather than mastered by the mind. Your mind is your real and toughest instrument. Learn to be its master not its slave..

JUBA680’s Profile PhotoAbdelrahman Hisham
Liked by: Abdelrahman Hisham

Confidence isn’t thinking you are better than anyone else; it’s realizing that you have no reason to compare yourself to anyone else.Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, and magical person that you are.

JUBA680’s Profile PhotoAbdelrahman Hisham
Liked by: Abdelrahman Hisham


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