
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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kent sumpah kata2 lo bagus banget, bijak banget, dan keliatan kalo lo punya intelegensi yg bagus. tapi kenapa seseorang yg kayak lo harus songong? kenapa gak sedikit humble dan friendly sama org2 yg suka sama kata2 lo? gue pikir itu akan lebih baik :) Tuhan memberkati!

I solely dedicate this tweet to you.

Kent, if I say my stomach has some kind of tingling every time I see your answers on my timeline, and I can't stop blushing whenever I see your selfie, and how I adore your writings and your thoughts and your intelligence, will you take any chance to get to know me?

1. proper capitalization
2. proper punctuation
3. vivid imagery
4. ability to elaborate thoughts

Yes. Just go off-anon or send me your LINE ID.

My turn! What was your first impression of me? Other than my being a heartless woman of course.

Oh yes I swear exponentially more in real life than online, Ti. :p

At first I was like "Ini siapa ya, kenapa mukanya kayak pernah liat."
You look young, though. I thought you're my age or younger. Yah, ternyata.
Then we talked and you said you were a lawyer and i was like wat.
Wasn't expecting that.
You didn't strike me as a law person sih jujur ;p
And then you proceeded to talk about entertainment law and all while I sat there, dumbfounded.
You apparently already have your own startup (yang butuh konsultasi legal boleh samperin http://klikonsul.com/ ) which focuses on, and here I directly quote you, "Ekonomi Kreatif."

And then you told me that you don't like cats.
Or dogs.
Or any animals in general.
Langsung nggak jadi keren.
You evil, heartless woman.

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"In a parallel universe where you were born in another family, or under any different circumstances, maybe we could be together." that's the meanest thing someone ever said to me as well.. my ex-boyfriend said that. we had been together for 5 years.

Hullo i just got home from @aditgrimm's house together with @ginoza @chiyoppai @utiuts and chiyo's cousin.
I generally dont answer to questionless curcol like yours, but since we once shared the same predicament, im bestowing you the grace of Lola.

May the sight of adit's cat bring joy to you!

40 dong, Kent....

40. Most traumatic experience

Dulu ketika gue masih SMP, gue renang.
Lalu entah karena salah nendang tembok atau gimana, tempurung lutut kiri gue lepas.
Literally lepas.
Jalan aja nggak bisa. Sakitnya kayak diinjek Godzilla.
Sejak saat itu, lutut gue jadi sering lepas.
Lari dikit, lepas.
Duduk bersila, lepas.
Main basket, lepas.
Ya udah dong sejak saat itu jadi nggak berani renang lagi.
Tiap kali renang cuma main air sama kecipak-kecipuk doang.


Language: English