
“To Whom It May Concern”

Ask @WriterAngelaSherice

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Proverbs 3:5-6 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 356
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own

Most attractive thing about a guy?

His sensitivity, his personal integrity, his principles, his self control and ability to think LIKE women FOR his relationship and HIS woman.
Read that again.
Most attractive thing about a guy

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what do u guys do on instagram?

For me, I actually get annoyed with having to USE Instagram🤣🤭🤗 but I do what I gotta do—(as a supplement to good, ole fashioned grass roots marketing/advertising/networking/real connecting).
what do u guys do on instagram

Would you bring a newborn home to a small camper?

If my memory serves me correct, as a kid, at Vacation Bible School and summer camp, i once sang a song that went: 🎵🎶"Away in a manger...NO CRIB FOR A BED ...the little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head. The stars in the sky looked down where he lay. The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay."🎶🎵
A well fed, precious little newborn is safe anywhere clean, sanitized, and peaceful where stimulation is there e.g. constant touch, speech, eye contact .
And I put that on Mary Had a Little Lamb and the Manger Lord Jesus Lay in the hay.
So yes, with all that, a small camper will too, suffice.🙏🏽
Would you bring a newborn home to a small camper

When did you last talk yourself out of something when deep down you wanted to do it?

This morning. Just a couple hours ago. 🤭Oh, the struggle if being human🤭
When did you last talk yourself out of something when deep down you wanted to do

Like I ain’t the one for ya 🕖👑

^High five to that commanding confidence!
It's sexy af🤭
Keep up the You work!
Like I aint the one for ya

We couldve had sumn .. fuck it now

For me, if we "could've had sumn"...You should've already known that You already had something...
If that turned into a "should've" (where I am concerned) it is You fumbled. Therefore, it is Your loss.
Not mine. I assure you.🙏🏽
(Read that again, slowly).
We couldve had sumn  fuck it now

Do you treat others how you want to be treated

Yes. Very much so...
But if it is not handled properly or well, I'll just mirror you—or walk away and return no energy or thought about it.

As you evolve and enjoy your peace, you'll find that even returning energy is a waste of your time (when you know your value and worth).
When you know the VALUE of your worth to any setting, situation, place, or person; your sanctioning yourself from it or them is "punishment" enough.🙏🏽
Essential life lesson:
No. It's not "teach people how TO treat you."
It's: Teach people how they SHOULD HAVE treated you...so they'll get the lesson and treat the next human being (friend/lover/associate/aquaintence) well 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Do you treat others how you want to be treated

Are you lonely?

For me, the word 'lonely' is like asking me if I'm bored. I (truthfully) cannot relate to what it's like to be "bored"—even before social media put a cure for boredom at our fingertips.
▪︎ my indepth understanding the clear difference between being alone vs. lonely
▪︎ loving my own company (better than with even the company of friends and family)
▪︎ knowing how thoroughly someone knows every facet of me yet and still, loves me into another space and time [until you've been loved so hard and so thoroughly by somebody who totally does not need you, knows your dark and your light yet can't get enough of you; you would never understand what I'm talking about... but that's the best summary I can give you]
...I couldn't even imagine what it's like being 'lonely.'
How can I know what lonely is if I "cant relate?" Because exactly ONE time in my life, I was a "lonely" teen mom snatched from my friends and teen life to be put up and away from the world to a "pregnant jail." (🔞 https://othersideofthefame.com/?s=Pregnant+jail++angie+situation+)
That was weird, foreign and what "lonely" is to me.
Anything outside of that is meet life lightwork. And I adjust. Well.

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Are you lonely

are human beings, essentially , a highly advanced form of biological A.i connected to the universe ( matrix) through a neural net, as a means for God or the universe to understand itself? 🤟🤟🤟🙏🙏🙏999

Thomas Marti Sr
Hi Thomas 👋🏼 Awesome Ask.
Short answer: Yes. (And I personally know 2 neuroscientists who would DEFINITELY say "Yes").
I feel, too, that A.I is so super human intuitive that we humans [with nerve endings, synapses, a brain—and a mind...which are 2 different things] are indeed are highly advanced forms of biological A.I connected to the universe.
We are merely terrestrial beings beneath the celestials having (biologically) human experiences among one another.
Whether that is a means for God or the universe to understand itself [would be something I'd have to ponder for a bit more time than I have this morning/right now and too, would lead into the discussion as whether man made God or of God really did make man]...
But with full confidence and no contemplation needed, I would definitely say that A.I. is understanding itself more and more through us--biological A.I.

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are human beings essentially  a highly advanced form of biological Ai connected

+ 2 💬 messages

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I'm a lot of things....but I'm not a hero.

Just be a whole lot of human being simply: Being.
Even better: Whole.
That's 'hero' enough.

Are you religious? If so, would you pray for a friend? She's been dealing with domestic violence and is afraid to move forward against that person

Prayer is about all you can do. For me, I have a personal rule in friendships with women when it comes to dealing with mistreatment from men-whether emotional, mental, financial or physical. You're probably not ready for the elaboration...so...take it to God for her. Good luck🙏🏽

dream car

I don't, or ever, necessarily had a dream car. However, on the road of life, choose your lane and drive your dream cat in it 🙏🏽😘
dream car

Isn’t it funny when these made up accounts complain about anonymous questions?

😂😂😂 OMG.Yes!
But even funnier when the posting anon and get snarky when YOU chose to answer the Ask as YOU chose to run YOUR platform.
Trust. If you weren't Anon, I would block you so I'd never have to bump into you again 🤷🏽‍♀️
I'm like: Bih. Sorry this ain't Twitter, IG etc with a reply button. You Ask. It gets selected and answered--however tf i chose to. FOH with that drama.
Come from behind Anon so I can block you. Done deal.🙄
Anons only privilege around these parts IS being Anon.

+ 1 💬 message

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Do you trust your intuition?

Yes. Entirely. Keen intuitive sense and thoroughly discerning.
SN: Granted, all animals have instincts just as humans have intuition. A lot of people however, think they operate out of Intuition when they are operating out of their personal / subjective feelings .
It is extremely dangerous to claim trusting one's intuition if he/she wont tell the truth to oneself.
Just throwing that out there.
Do you trust your intuition


Language: English