

Ask @Alkupra

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What do you do when someone asks you to a meeting, only to cancel the meeting an hour after you've arrived on time for it and have been waiting? #golokmanagolok

I'll call him/her to express my disappointment and probably lose my interest for future meetings. Except when she/he could give me a good reason why she/he cancel the meeting and promise to not doing it again.

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Kak kalo jadi senior editor di magazine itu ngapain aja ya? #seriusnanya #laginyaripencerahan

My responsibilities:
Prepare written and visual content to daily deadlines
Write stories and editorials
Commission submissions from contributors
Overseeing, directing, and editing Junior Writers & Interns task
Proofreading the mock up printed issue
In a nutshell, I'm in charge for the Features section of the magazine. Setiap edisi NYLON punya tema tertentu per bulan (Music, Movie, Art, Fashion, Travel, etc), tugas saya menentukan arah Feature dan artikel yang akan diangkat sesuai tema perbulannya.

I'm going through the occasional phase of not really wanting to watch new films, but instead just rewatching past ones that left a deep emotional impression. As a cinephile, have you ever had moments where you felt like that? If so, why do you think that is and what films do you usually revisit?

Hi Paul, once in awhile aku juga merasa begitu. Malah sejujurnya aku bukan tipe yang setiap ada film baru langsung nonton ke bioskop. I haven't watch Godzilla or X-Men, haha. Aku kalau gak ada kerjaan pun lebih suka nonton koleksi film di folder laptop, I guess they're more like comfort movies for me. Some movies I tend to rewatch to remind me of myself.
The list usually:
Lost in Translation
The Royal Tenenbaums
Dead Poet Society
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
American Beauty
Fight Club
And past seasons of America's Next Top Model.

do you look up (or relate) to a fictional character? if so, who are they and why? (feel free to add more than one character!)

I mostly relate myself with the misfit kids, like:
Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter
Cassie, Maxx, Frankie, Mini from SKINS UK
Shinji Ikari from NGEvangelion
Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Brian Johnson from The Breakfast Club
You know, the misunderstood, painfully awkward, reclusive, and adorkable.

hi, kak Alex. td answeran ttg Gusdur muncul di home aku. terlepas dr msalah lenger2annya, tp aku seneng bgt sm Gusdur yg bs rangkul kaum minor. aku sendiri Muslim, tp baca di buku 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa, pemimpin yg baik itu emang yg bisa toleransi kpd perbedaan. hehe kagak ade nyang nanye ye ;p

Terlepas dari semua sikap eksentrik dan kontroversial beliau, saya memandangnya sebagai sosok yang baik semasa hidupnya dan itu saja sudah cukup.

waktu mau pulang ke indonesia, katanya soe hok gie bawa piringan hitam yg disita ya? isi piringan hitamnya apa sih kak?

Iya, tahun 1968 Gie pergi ke Amerika dan Australia, dan piringan hitam Joan Baez favoritnya disita di bandara Sydney karena dianggap anti-war dan komunis. Musik-musiknya Joan Baez emang banyak yang temanya civil rights dan anti-war gitu.
Di film Gie, ada adegan nyanyi lagu "Donna, Donna" kan? Itu lagunya Joan Baez juga tentang political statement menentang rasisme Nazi di Perang Dunia 2.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqzGZ5AaeSsAlkupra’s Video 114178681010 BqzGZ5AaeSsAlkupra’s Video 114178681010 BqzGZ5AaeSs

Kak novel eleanor & park itu crita tntang apa kak ? Ehehe

Kisah cinta dua anak SMA di Nebraska tahun 86. Park adalah cowo Asian American penggemar komik dan band-band indie, sementara Eleanor adalah anak baru berambut merah dan punya masalah di rumah dan jadi bahan bully di sekolah. Mereka satu bus bareng ke.sekolah dan duduk sebangku. Dari yang awalnya cuek eh jadi suka. Sweet banget dan banyak momen sedih juga tapi gak cengeng mendayu-dayu gitu.


Language: English