
Matt Howitt

Ask @MattHowitt11

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i swear you did one when everyone was on xbox and i wasnt and you were all talking about me XD

oh holy shit i forgot about it ahahahahhahaha OMG

ive seen you around and you look really arrogant and stuff and ive heard rumours about stuff youve done and how you treat people

learn to form your own opinion bro :))))

because you seem really selfcentred and i doubt you would care very much about the other persons feelins and you dont seem very trustworthy...

what gives you that impression?

If you could make anyone in the world fall in love, which two people would you put together?

Me and Mila Kunis omfg

Are you okay? :c

3 days ago whoops my bad
yeah i'm good but absolutely shattered
too much exercise the last few days my goddd

Which celebrity would you like to meet?

Shoutout to @MelissaJohnson9 bc without her i'd probably be a shit person
she's helped me through so much and if she wants to move on from us then i wont stop her but i owe her so much and my respect for her is unrivaled
much love


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