
Matt Howitt

Ask @MattHowitt11

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He has someone loyal, someone who treats him right. He has connor, callan, charlotte, cameron, chloe, melissa, tristen...the list continues, people love him for the person he is. He's proved himself to all of us, nobody elses opinion matters.


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Yes please, you don't even get. Although I'm not dragging you from Shorty. He is your priority <3

What you need is someone loyal. Someone who will treat you right. Not necessarily a girlfriend, but maybe a constant best friend. Someone to support you


Prove himself? I think he already has. He's the bigger person and the better man. He never stooped to her level. He was mature and responsible and I think that shows how he has grown as a person and I am so fucking proud of him because so many people put in his position would have given up.

I love you

SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR FUCK SAKE. Why does he have to prove himself? He doesnt, now leave him the fuck alone, all you're doing is causing horrible memories to come back. Imagine if that was you. Thinking you know him better than anyone else? Pfffft.


This might be hurting him, but he needs to hear it. I hope it triggers him to say something, because he doesn't need to hear it from me. He needs to hear it from her. Even if it's just a thank you. Some kind of value because otherwise he will carry on feeling useless and unappreciated.

jfc stop

(Aimed at anon) are you seriously that fucking retarded? Matt and vicki split up so long ago omfg STOP dragging up the past. Surely its easier for Matt to carry on without cunts like you telling him shit he probably already knows? Leave him alone and stop asking ridiculous questions.

Message me. x

I am sorry, but something needed saying and one of these days, I will repeat it all to her, because she is so ungrateful and disrespectful towards you and I know you cant be doing with that, on top of everything else.

Can you not talk about this, please?

Because, and I don't know about anyone else, but how you've ended up compared to her really irritates me. Especially considering we ALL know who was the better person in the relationship, who cared more, who showed more respect. Who, all in all, valued the relationship most.

Well, what do you want me to do?

Seriously, I hope this doesn't offend you, but makes you think. You gave her everything and now she's blossoming because of the confidence and security you gave her. I am not saying she is undeserving of that, because everyone needs some kind of security. But some recognition wouldn't go a miss.

I can't even think properly when you throw this kind of stuff at me.

Do you hate seeing Callum and Vicki everyday? I see how they both look at you, so smug. You gave that girl everything, the least thing she could do is respect you and how you made her grow as a person. Without you, she would be nowhere right now and you both know that because it is clear as day.

Wow. :/

Awkward moment when I click on your ask and the ad is a dating website... I think it's a sign! GITV? <3


why is it that you seem to always get the girls and i can't? :(

HAHHAHAHAHAH OMFG you do NOT know me HAHAHAH. Get the girls omfg

Matt, don't join in on the hate on vicki and callum. i'm not sticking up for them, just don't stoop to their low. Just ignore the questions. Love HK! <3333

I am merely laughing at the hate, not joining! <333


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