
Matt Howitt

Ask @MattHowitt11

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Fucking anons i swear to god. Im in the shittest mood as it is if i fucking find out whos telling you to die and saying all that about your past i'll fucking smack them in the face no joke im fucking fuming, who even has the right to say that to another HUMAN BEING? Get off anon if you're so big ffs

Charlotte Coleman
you basically wrote my mood in words omfg i can't even

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Fuck off into your grave you dirty fucking fag.

Nah. I am quite alright, actually. Maybe you should think twice about saying such things.

Please, tell me who you are so we can have a lovely little conversation concerning your death.

Leave it dw x

Face it, if it was my choice you wouldn't be breathing right now, I wish you had killed yourself years ago.

you fucking what?

I have a feeling that there is another Matt Howitt strutting around, hence why all the anons think you are a "Cunt". That surely is the only reasonable explanation I can think of to all of this. Coz tbh I don't see you mistreat people, and you have never mistreated me!

Cheers man, I don't see what i've done but x

Matt treats me like I'm the queen (which I am), thank you very much anon.

I try my best, you deserve it x

I know respect you cocky twat, it's just something someone will have to ram into your fucking head because you're so fucking obnoxious.

I know respect, and it's something you're undeserving of. I respect my close friends, my family, even people I don't know who I know are finding it tough. I know how difficult it is for them, you think I don't know the meaning of the word respect?

It's funny how wrong everyone else is. Look at you and how you treat people. It's disgusting learn some respect.

Oh really? I could say the same thing to you.

Don't listen to this twat. You may rant at me later and I will tell how much of a wonderful person you are and how much I love you <3

Yes please I love you <3

Some people really are oblivious to what an actual "Cunt" is. People really need to get a grasp on the real world. Then they will see what a real cunt is! You Matt aren't a cunt, if anything you are the complete opposite of that.

Cameron Smith
Cheers bro, appreciate <3
Liked by: Cameron Smith

I will make as many fucking jokes as I like, your life is a joke in itself.

Says the one shouting abuse from behind a computer screen. Man the fuck up and say it to my face hahahaha
Liked by: Cameron Smith

I don't need to, so many people see through the act you put on. You're a cocky little shit who needs a smack to be honest. All the hurt and pain you get, you deserved. I wish more upon you, in all honesty. You need to feel the pain you inflicted on so many others.

Oh really? You wanna joke about this sort of thing, right now? Do you?
Liked by: Cameron Smith


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