
Matt Howitt

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Say something inspirational?

Never regret anything because it was something you wanted at one point, otherwise you wouldn't have done it.<3

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Name 10 of your closest friends and a quality you love about them? xxx

Ah shit I hope I don't miss anyone. RIGHT
Callan Hansrani - Fucking hilarious and we are actually so in sync all the time it's like we have synced periods or some shit.
Connor Watson - He's alright as long as he doesn't have a fob in his hand. Plus he 'Dead Slave 3' screams make me laugh! (Him and Lydia are quite cute too)
Melissa Johnson - SHE'S A BABE. She's always there for me and is just really nice, I can always count on her to cheer me up!
Chloe Johnson - Bit of a gorm, especially when signing into her privates! Funny though, loves form as well and she's as good as my best friend nowadays
Charlotte Coleman - This girl is the person I go to when I need help omg she is the best, known her for over 10 years and I don't think there is a single thing she doesn't know about me, we're so close <3
Joe Glover - Oh maaaan, this kid is fucking hilarious the shit he comes out with :L Known him for AGEEES, form in Bushloe too! Bare maths and english jokes nowadays! ;D
Cameron Smith - Started the willypig craze and worships Harry Kane, what more do I have to say?
Tia Hayes - So sick and twisted it's actually hilarious but don't cross her or she'll knock you out, the amount of bitch slaps I have from her is unreal.
Tristen Robinson - Great friend, bullies Tyler with me so it's always a bonus. Has great music taste, too.
Harry Jenkison - Bit of a willypig tbh but still says some weird ass shit that makes me think he's messed up in the head. Known him for ages too, god knows how I have survived.
Connor Nicholson - Also great music taste and it seriously worries me that he is learning to drive soon! Also said he was tempted to buy me a toy tractor for christmas so he's a bit of a pro!
I think that's 11 and I know i've missed people because I can't be bothered to write anymore haha

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Best friend?

I have loads, but recently i've opened up to Melissa a lot and i'm glad I did. She's so good at advice and look after me aw :')


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