
Matt Howitt

Ask @MattHowitt11

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Ok mate i understand yourside of this but please.from.a someone who.knows some of the rumors.arnt true please dont go on about her like shes a prostetute. because of.these rumors alot of people have judged her because they believe theyre true. but just think for a second how shed feel if theyre.not

I'm sorry? At no point have I promoted the rumours, I've kept it to myself thank you. Whether people find out or not, you can't blame it on me. Yeah, I've said stuff about her, but I haven't 'gone on about her like she's a prostitute'. More and more people seem to have known BEFORE I did, which makes me think that some people refused to tell me. And if they weren't gonna tell me, they're unlikely to tell everyone else. Tbh this gives me the impression that it got out some other way, maybe someone close to her found out and told one person and it escalated. But I have no idea. I haven't been shouting it to the heavens because don't you think, at the end of the day, i'm much rather it wasn't true? Besides, think how I feel, getting all this shit for doing the right thing. How do you think that affects ME? There are two sides to every story and at the end of the day, i'm not sure anyone deserves this kind of abuse. Additionally, again, if people judge, that's not my fault. They shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, right? You can't pin that on me, especially seeing as I have played no part. Just because we broke up, doesn't mean i'll force everyone not to talk to her, who the fuck has the right to do that?

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Ok but what do you think hand on heart that she did. iunderstand you two broke upbefore these rumors started but do you think that the people in the rumors would go through with it knowing about you two? from a mutual friend

I'm not gonna lie, I saw how she looked at other lads, but I never thought anything of it, because she always thought I was going to cheat or something. So I thought, surely she can't be. But maybe it was just covering it up. It's difficult to cope with, she always used to flirt with other guys so I can see it being true tbh

Are you looking for a girlfriend at the minute?

It depends. If something looks promising then obviously i'll make the effort, but at the minute i'm more interested in friends that will support me. It's been a tough year x

You don't deserve the shit this BELLEND is giving you because no body wants to live with BELLENDs like them! & personally I think you're a great friend! Actually glad I started talking to you! You're one of the best mates a guy could have! Love you FAMALAM! <3

Thank youuu <3333333

when someone bites their thumb at Matt and you just get so maaaaaaaaad and all you want to do is ask that person 'do you bite your thumb at Matthew, sir?' and then nuke them x


you dont deserve life

It actually worries me that you don't realise how badly you can destroy a person inside with what you're saying. You really think, after everything already, that I want my year to get worse? I can't be dealing with your shit as well.

Can I ask a genuine question? The relationship between you and Vicki, from what I've heard, she treated you appallingly. So why, now it's finished and done with, are you getting all the shit for it, for basically doing the right thing? <3

I don't even know, some people need to grow the fuck up and piss off. But don't go by what I say, go by other people's opinions. Maybe I didn't see what she was doing <3

do you wish you'd not been a twat now haha

i know i wasn't the best person in the world, thank you. But at the end of the day it isn't YOUR business to butt in on. You have no idea what happened and i'm glad you're so fucking deluded.

hahah vicki moved on quick didnt she, clearly she didnt love you as much as you thought

That's her choice then, isn't it? So piss off, it's not what I wanna talk about

Sounds like someone is really jealous of you're friends and family, so pity them they must be very lonely.

My thoughts exactly

Hahahahahahaha, im glad you got the squeak one, i wonder who this is?! O_o SURPRISE ITS THE BROWN KID WOO

I know, i'm proud of myself ;D Hey bro.<3


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