
Matt Howitt

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The anon yesterday was right: we've been through this; you won't get anywhere with a girl at the rate you're going.....

What's that supposed to mean?

it is if your a good person

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard; to be happy you need to be a good person? Think about people have lost family members and get upset about them, does that make them a bad person? Think about people who wanna commit suicide because they just can't bear the bullying they get at school, they're a bad person because they're targeted? Show some respect, not to me, but to people who are struggling to find reasons to keep themselves breathing.

I know why you do what you do; you refuse to let people in because so many people push you out. I've seen it and your pain that goes with it.

I am not going to agree with that because I don't want the sympathy

You're not. Trust me. If you were thinking properly you'd realize how much of an inspiration to me. You'd realize that you deserve better than this. That you're a wonderful, amazing person that restores my faith in humanity.

I wouldn't go that far by any stretch of the imagination, and I doubt anybody else would <3

NO. MATTHEW SHUT UP. You're over-thinking. You are a wonderful human being and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! I love you.

I am not overthinking, i'm thinking properly, for once.

Yeah, why? Just let people in ffs

Why am I aggressive? Because cunts like you piss me off. With people like you in the world, i'd rather be on my own.

They're not! They are just trying to convince you that you're something you are not. Do not let them win. They don't deserve the satisfaction of their own immense jealousy overpowering you.

No, it's making me think and I see where they're coming from :/<3

Seriously, though. You're not gonna find someone to help you sort things out if you back down from everything.

Right. I'm sorry, but who says I need fucking 'help'? Hm? Maybe i'm happy, or was until people like you started all this shit. I don't need anyone to 'sort things out' for me, I can handle myself, probably better than you can. Back down from everything? Yeah bro, say this shit to me properly and I will not back down, i'm fed up of people like you. You don't know me, you don't even understand anything about me. If you did, you would know it's not that easy.

Stop hiding behind the cowardly button which is anon. If you have such a strong opinion on the matter then you would step up and grow a pair. You claim to be helping when all you are doing is crushing his confidence. This is why humanity is fucked.. People like you anon.

She knows. <3


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