
Matt Howitt

Ask @MattHowitt11

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You're a good person. You don't deserve this stuff. I hope it all sorts itself out soon, I love you <3

Thank you, I hope so too. I love you<3

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someone's still being a twat omfg why are they wasting their time. text me if you need me xx

I do worry. I might later, I may need a rant <3

I don't really know you that well, but I don't see why you're getting all this abuse? honestly, don't listen to the people who don't have an actual clue about what went on, you don't deserve any of it x

Some people are pathetic, what can you do? x

Im not going to say because il only get abuse from people tomorough about it from other people

Dm me on twitter, inbox me on facebook or text me. I won't tell a soul.

i will mate watch your fucking back

I'm not scared about you for a second. If you don't have the balls to tell me who you are, then why would you have the balls to say anything to me at school. Fucking sadcase. Come anywhere near me and we'll see. No matter how many people you have, you think i'll walk away?

Im sorry again. i am a mutual friend between the two of you and i dont like to see anyone upset and if what i sent nade you feel bad or upset then im as bad as the othet guy and i apolagise for that <3

No you're not being a twat. Who is this, anyway?<3 I'm interested

Im sorry my questions arnt meant to upset you. if there is proof my questions are pointless i just didbt want to see two of my friends upset i apolagise for what my questions made you feel. sorry again

I'm just trying to get my point across, the point isn't to make her look bad, is to try and show how I feel. To be perfectly honest, after this, I can't even bare to look at her, but I appreciate where you're coming from. <3

But what if the rumors arnt true? what if other people said those things to make you feel bettet?your right everyone is entitled to their own opinions but just thing how that other questioner is making you f what the rumors are making her feel.

I've seen proof. With my own fucking eyes. And how IN WHAT WORLD would this make me feel better?

I apolagise matt for the previous question as i worded it wrong. i know you havnt been saying things but what i meant to say is other people have about her and around you which i would like youbto ask them to put themselfs in her scinario if the rumors arnt true.i apolagise for the previous question

To be fair, even there's even a slight consideration that something's happened, and this many people agree with it, doesn't it tell you something? Besides, I'm not gonna make anyone think things; everyone's entitled to their own opinion. If she's got herself into this scenario, it's her fault, nobody else's.


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