SGRC, Indonesia


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MIIIN doain SGRC bisa buka di UMY yaaa 😭😭😭😭 kayanya seru bgt diskusinyaa

Iya tentu! Boleh banget. Kita bisa ketemu dulu dan diskusi yuk mengenai ini ;)
Liked by: Carin Rianaditya

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Kemarinkan diperingati hari #NoBraDay. Tiba2 temen cowok kamu langsung tanya kekamu, "Kamu kemarin/hari ini pakai bra gk? Kan NoBraDay?" ditengah2 temen cewek&cowok kamu yg lain. Apa reaksi & pendapatmu knpa temen cowok kamu itu bisa tanya sprti itu kekamu?

Tujuan dari no bra day adalah untuk mengingatkan resiko kanker payudara, menilik kembali kepemilikan tubuh yang harus menjadi milik pribadi individu, dan bukan upaya eksploitasi tubuh orang lain.

Ka mau tanya dong, kalo seorang TOP nya negatif (hiv). Dan seorang bottom nya positif, jika mreka making love without condom, apa top nya tetep terkena resiko terkena hiv ?

Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya.
Baik penerima atau pemberi tetap punya resiko yang sama. Hal ini disebabkan karena masih ada kemungkinan adanya luka mikro yang tidak kasat mata pada penis yang memungkinkan tertularnya virus HIV

my day is always wonderfull before, until up to the part reading your answers. very shallow! #ckckckcckck

Wonderful, anw.
Liked by: Put!

Min, penularan virus HIV/AIDS itu lewat hubungan seksual, nah ketika berhubungan kita gak tau dia membawa virus apa ngga, waktu yang tepat untuk pemeriksaan virusnya kapan Min? Terima kasih.

Hi. Secara berkala. Kalau di carolus, kamu akan diminta untuk cek dalam periode 3 bulan, kemudian jika tidak melakukan tindakan beresiko, kamu diminta check kembali pada 6 bulan setelahnya, kemudian 1 tahun setelahnya, dan seterusnya.
Cek berkala itu penting karena periode jendela penularan virus pada tiap individu berbeda beda.

Is there anyway that I can contact you to further understand his condition and to give him some sort of emotional support by being gathered by people who understand his condition?

2. Of course yes! Do you have our contact? Send us email to UI.sgrc@gmail.com

kak, kalau misalkan si pelaku dan si korban itu sama-sama mabuk, si pelakunya bisa dituntut dalam pemerkosaan gak sih?

Really really nice questions. We have reference from Cornell University about sex, alcohol, and consent and here is one of their law related to your question. (thinking deeply that we have
The responsibility for misinterpretation when either party has been drinking falls on the initiator of further sexual activity.If the person seeking sex is intoxicated, he or she has a decreased ability to discern the capacity of the other party to give consent. Under Cornell’s rules, the inability to perceive capacity does not excuse the behavior of the person who begins the sexual interaction or tries to take it to another level. The Review Board has held that “intoxication is neither a defense to sexual assault nor an exonerating circumstance, with the result that sexual interactions after periods of heavy drinking should be undertaken with caution” and, in another case, “failure to recognize that the victim was too drunk to consent is no defense to a charge of sexual assault as defined by the Cornell Code . . . The responsibility for ascertaining [complainant’s] mental state rested upon [accused student], as did the risk of failing to do so.”

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YAELA!H MIN!! dari agenda @uildsc juga udah sangat jelas #KELEUS... ujung-ujungnya kan membentuk "PARTAI Liberal Indonesia" - So,... "Study CLub" My ASS!! #ckckckcck

Ya coba tanya ke @uildsc, ya. If they want to create Partai Liberal Indonesia, go on. If you want to create your own, go on.
If you want to read @SGRCUI mission statement, kamu bisa baca di sgrcui.wordpress.com.
P.s : try find the word orgy in our mission statement and background. We bet you'll find none ;D


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