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Haaaaaalo teman-teman SGRC UI! - Sam. from Transmen with <3

Hi Sam. Silakan untuk teman teman yang mau tau lebih banyak tentang transmen atau Transhition, boleh tanya kemari!
Liked by: Daggeron

Min mau tanya, apakah kondom bisa digunakan untuk aktifitas sex oral ? Maksutnya apakah cairan yang ada pada permukaan kondom aman jika masuk ke dalam mulut ? Terimakasih.

Hi. Jika cairan itu terberi dari kondom (lubricant) dasar yang biasanya water soluble, mostly safe Non. It is safe, and edible / can be consumed (meskipun tujuannya bukan untuk dimakan ya). Tapi kamu biasakan cek dulu bahan dan komposisinya ya. Lubrikan tambahan biasanya mempunyai variasi rasa/komposisi (misal : hot/tingling) dan mungkin saya menyebabkan reaksi tertentu (misal : panas/terbakar) jika kamu alergi /sensitif dengan bahan tersebut.

Do you think the 'likes' you got means a lot to you? What if i ask a friendly request for you to delete top 10 out of your most liked answers? Would you do it? If not, why won't you? Have a lovely day ahead, buddy! ^^

ipronounceyou’s Profile Photoipronounceyou
Well. We're not measuring things by likes. We're giving information (whether people hit likes button or not). Tapi kami bisa mengukur (secara kualitatif) dan justru memiliki gambaran ke depannya, misalnya apa media yang paling disukai untuk memberikan informasi, atau topik apa yang paling menarik untuk pembaca. Hal hal tersebut tentunya bisa membantu kami agar dapat menyampaikan informasi lebih baik lagi. Thank you!

Hey, sup. Can you hook me up with a gay guy. :p XD. I don't know, being gay. it's kinda hard to find the right guy. You know, and when i hit someone they were always straight, and then i ended up miserably.

Hello. Ada aplikasi yang digunakan yang pernah kami bahas di Arisan! dengan tema Online dating. Salah satu yang pernah dibahas adalah Grindr, Jack D', atau Wapo. Kamu juga bisa memperluas field of eligibility kamu dengan menambah teman dan mengikuti aktivitas atau kegiatan yang memungkinkan kamu berkenalan dengan banyak orang. Afterall, it's a process you need to enjoy. ;)
Liked by: John adristi

i dont know if this is true but does same sex sexual intercourse (although it is done with the same person for the rest of your life) can give you aids? my friend gave this preach saying so which is why gay marriage should be ban (although i believe it shouldn't) please enlighten me i am lost:(

Is any of them HIV positive? If the answer is no, then no. They can't get AIDS. HIV can be transmitted via body fluids, in which one of them can be done by sex, but if there's no virus in the first place then they can't be infected.
What has to be noted is that sex is only one of various means for the HIV transmission to happen, but sex is NOT a thing that creates HIV.
Hope it's enough to help.

Does it means you also can't have a simple passionate kisses with an HIV patient if one of it has a tore lips/inside mouth? (Regarding your explanation previously?). I really am curious about it. Thanks.

Yes, that's correct. A significant amount of the HIV infected blood in contact with mucous membrane (including in the mouth) can increase the risk of HIV transmission.

Halo, mau tanya dong, apabila melakukan anal sex dgn pengidap HIV tanpa kondom dan sperm keluar di dalam anus, apakah bisa tertular juga? dengan catatan ketika melakukan sex, anus tidak terluka (berdarah). Terima kasih :)

Bisa, Anon. Baik seks anal ataupun vaginal, cairan yang masuk dapat diserap oleh tubuh karena bagian dalam anus atau vagina itu dikenal sebagai mucous membrane. Bagian ini menutupi bagian-bagian tubuh yg terekspos dengan lingkungan luar sekaligus organ dalam (jadi tidak hanya anus atau vagina, tapi juga bagian tubuh seperti hidung, bibir, atau kelopak mata). Penyerapan yang dilakukan oleh mucous membrane ini efektif, jadi jika ada cairan yang masuk, dalam kasus ini sperma yang HIV positif, tubuh dapat masuk ke aliran darah. Karena itu bisa tertular.
(Tentu penyerapan semacam ini tidak hanya berdampak dalam penyebaran penyakit: dalam medis terdapat suppository atau obat yang memanfaatkan mucous membrane di daerah anus, vagina, atau urethra untuk masuk ke dalam tubuh)
Karena itu, dalam aktivitas seks seperti apapun, akan baik jika menggunakan kondom untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit. Semoga membantu!

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This is kinda specific; I'm a fudanshi(male who likes to read gay themed comics). Most of my friends with the same hobby, ironically disagree about same sex marriage legalization. Is this justifiable seeing how they have fetishes towards gay couple but doesn't support it irl?

well, this is not a new case. can you count how many males that enjoy lesbian porn and screaming no for same sex marriage legalization? well, we need to ask the reason first. afterall, we don't want to judge one's statement without following the rational (or somehow --- most of the times -- irrational) background.
Anw, kami sudah pernah membahas ini dalam arisan: queerness in fanfiction (see link below)
Mereka yang sangat menikmati queer fanfiction terkadang mendiskriminasi queer yang ada pada realita, merasa cukup risih ketika queer terproyeksikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pembaca. Pembaca merasa terpuaskan hasrat dan imajinasinya ketika membaca misalnya yaoi fanfic tetapi tidak menyetujui ketika homoseksual terjadi dalam dunia nyata pembaca. Bisa saja karena pembaca merasa homoeroticsm memang menarik sebagai fantasi saja namun sekaligus merasa bertentangan dengan norma-norma dan stigma yang pernah pembaca ketahui sebelumnya sehingga muncul suatu reaksi penolakan. Diperlukan adanya sikap kritis dan realistis dari diri pembaca yang mungkin memberi jurang tanpa jembatan antara fiksi dan realita untuk menanggapi sikap sebagai penikmat queer fanfic namun homophobic.

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Kenapa gua biseks suka di sebut player sih kenapa :(

Bisexual are usually viewed as indecisive, fence-sitter, promiscuous, and other such things. People often think that bisexuality itself is a phase, while others see bisexuals as the betrayer, and some others don’t even want to believe that you are a bisexual. Some others think that bisexuals are simply greedy and addicted to sex.
Prejudice. And of course, NA-DAA. it wasn't true!
anw, kami punya beberapa bahan bacaan menarik

nanggepin pertanyaan sebelumnya masalah nyaman ngga nyaman. rada oot sih, tapi gue penasaran, siapa tau mimin bisa bantu. penderita skizoid merasa nyaman dengan hidupnya, tapi kenapa itu masih dianggap kelainan, sementara lgbt tidak?

Gangguan pada DSM artinya mengganggu pribadi, kehidupan sosialnya, pekerjaannya, keluarganya, dan cintanya.
Bukan cuma merasa nyaman-tidak nyaman. Tapi memang "Because scientific evidence did not support a pathological diagnosis"
Berikut diagnosa untuk schizoid personality disorder berdasarkan DSM 5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013):
A persistent pattern of disinterest from social interactions and a limited variety of expression of emotions in a close personal settings, starting in early adulthood and there in an array of contexts, as shown by at least four (or more) of the subsequent:
*neither wants nor likes close relationships, counting being part of a family
*almost constantly picks introverted activities
*has little if any, thought in engaging in any sexual experiences
*seldom derives pleasure from any activities
*has no close friends other than immediate relatives
*appears apathetic to the admiration or disapproval of others
*shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity
got it?

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and how these support, admiration, appreciation and nurturance suppose to be?

Negative level :
Repulsion: Homosexuality is seen as a crime against nature. Gays/lesbians are considered sick, crazy, immoral, sinful, wicked, etc. Anything is justified to change them: incarceration, hospitalization, behavior therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, etc.
Pity: Represents heterosexual chauvinism. Heterosexuality is considered more mature and certainly to be preferred. It is believed that any possibility of becoming straight should be reinforced, and those who seem to be born that way should be pitied as less fortunate ("the poor dears").
Tolerance: Homosexuality is viewed as a phase of adolescent development that many people go through and most people grow out of. Thus, lesbians/gays are less mature than straights and should be treated with the protectiveness and indulgence one uses with children who are still maturing. It is believed that lesbians/gays should not be given positions of authority because they are still working through their adolescent behavior.
Acceptance: Still implies that there is something to accept; the existing climate of discrimination is ignored. Characterized by such statements as "You're not lesbian to me, you're a person!" or "What you do in bed is your own business." or "That's fine with me as long as you don't flaunt it!"
Positive level :
Support: People at this level may be uncomfortable themselves, but they are aware of the homophobic climate and the irrational unfairness, and work to safeguard the rights of lesbians and gays.
Admiration: It is acknowledged that being lesbian/gay in our society takes strength. People at this level are willing to truly examine their homophobic attitudes, values, and behaviors.
Appreciation: The diversity of people is considered valuable and lesbians/gays are seen as a valid part of that diversity. People on this level are willing to combat homophobia in themselves and others.
Nurturance: Assumes that gay/lesbian people are indispensable in our society. People on this level view lesbians/gays with genuine affection and delight, and are willing to be their allies and advocates.

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Min, saya pernah baca artikel katanya homoseksual bisa keluar dari DSM karena selama seseorang itu merasa nyaman dengan identitas nya maka tidak dapat di kategori kan kelainan / penyakit. Lalu bagaimana kalo seseorang yang berorientasi gak ini tidak merasa nyaman dengan identitas nya? Makasih

A. Weiza Prashardika
Simply "Because scientific evidence did not support a pathological diagnosis"
to make it easier to understand : adalah karena ternyata esensi gangguan tidak terdapat pada orang-orang homoseksual.
Gangguan pada DSM artinya mengganggu pribadi, kehidupan sosialnya, pekerjaannya, keluarganya, dan cintanya.
You want to know why someone wasn't feeling comfortable?
Because of the social judgement, of course.

kak udah baca ini belom? http://www.anakui.com/2015/07/07/diskusi-bagaimana-pendapat-anak-ui-mengenai-lgbt/ pendapat kakak gimana?

Cara yang baik untuk berdiskusi adalah dengan menulis sehingga dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Kolom diskusi menampilkan bagian pro dan kontra. Go on. Keep writing.
Highlight :
Ada hal yang dapat digarisbawahi mengenai tolerance dan acceptance (Riddle, dalam Lynch-Roche, 2012) yang mengatakan bahwa meskipun ‘toleransi’ dan ‘penerimaan’ dapat dilihat sebagai sikap positif, sikap tersebut nyatanya harus benar-benar dianggap sebagai negatif karena dapat menutupi rasa takut atau kebencian yang mendasar (contoh : seseorang dapat mentolerir bayi yang menangis di pesawat terbang sementara pada saat yang sama berharap bahwa tangisan itu akan berhenti) atau menunjukkan bahwa individu memiliki kemampuan untuk menolak atau menerima sesuatu yang terberi.
So, acceptance and tolerance itself is not a positive attitude.

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