
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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Tell me how did you make your first money?

Nyokap dulu entah kenapa suka banget koleksi patung kecil binatang-binatangan.
Jadi dulu di rumah gue ada banyaaak banget patung kucing, anjing, jerapah, gajah gitu kan.
Terus suatu hari, ada temen gue yang main ke rumah naksir patung-patung itu. Terus gue jual-jualin, sebiji 1.500 Rupiah. (Btw ini ceritanya pas gue SD; jaman dulu harga sebungkus citos tuh 500 Rupiah, jadinya satu patung bisa gue pake buat beli 3 bungkus citos.)
Terus temen gue itu cerita-cerita ke anak kelas lainnya. Akhirnya nyebar, terus pada mau beli patung dari gue. Gue inget gue sampe megang duit 50 ribuan.
Terus Nyokap sadar kalo gue jual-jualin patungnya terus gue dijitak.
Belakangan, gue dikasi tau kalo harga satu patung itu sekitar 20 ribuan.
Ibu, maafkan anakmu yang dibutakan uang.

What do you think would be the better punishment for a friend who lost a bet? tickle her feet, put a spider on her tummy or pull her on the street with embarrassing clothes? what should we choose and why?

I'd like to think I'm a very kind person, but if you, for whatever reason, put a fucking spider on my fucking tummy, I swear to whatever deity is up there that I will personally drive a fucking 10-inch nail through your fucking toenail.

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Hai..Adakah gombalan yang sering kamu praktekkan ke pacar/gebetan? Seperti apa gombalanmu?

Sometimes we work out or cook together and get sweaty and I end up pecking her sweat-covered cheek, to which she usually giggles and replies with, "Pasti rasanya asin deh."
Terus biasanya gue bantah, "Nggak, kok. Nggak asin."
"Rasa apa dong?"
"Rasa masa depan gue."
Terus gue ditabok.

Kak Kent, i'm one of those "forced to follow their parent's dream". I didn't know choosing uni would be this difficult because they kept telling me i could pick whatever major i wanted but they also "Kamu ga kasian sama Bapak? Entar perusahaannya siapa yang nerusin?" (1)

(cont)and you know what's making this even worse? they put "Kamu tuh cewek! kodratnya bukan gitu!" as the fucking reason. i really want to answer them with i never asked to be a girl at the first place but it sounds like i'm not being thankful to God. idk if this is worst than not being loved back but (2)
this thing successfully made me wish i never been so close to my parents. i wish i don't love them this much so i could care less. (3)
I am sorry, I really am.
Thing is, we're kiiiinda on the same boat although my parent is sliiightly a bit more lenient than yours.
You know that famous opening sentence of Anna Karenina? The one that goes like, "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"? I think this applies to your case, too. Like, what worked for me probably wouldn't work for you.
I actually have no idea where I'm going with this answer since I have no solution to offer. However, I can riddle you this. Which do you love more: your dreams, or your parents?

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Selamat pagi! Menurutmu, adakah di dunia ini yang lebih menyedihkan dari anak-anak yang merasa tak dicintai dan orangtua yang merasa dilupakan? Terima kasih untuk jawabannya, dan semoga harimu cerah.

Aam Endah Handoko
You know how some parents force their children to abandon their dreams in order to follow the parents' dreams?
I think nothing in this world is sadder than that.

Post a picture pls

GILA GILA GILA. Mamanya temen gue rupanya jago banget bikin pudding???? Gue sampe speechless loh.
Liat deh. Gue pertama pas ditunjukin fotonya tuh kayak, "Hah apaan nih, katanya jual pudding tapi kok penyajiannya sama ayam goreng??????"
Upon closer inspection, gue baru sadar kalo ayam gorengnya juga pudding???? What sorcery is this.
Anyway, buat kalian berlokasi di Surabaya (dan sekitarnya) yang bosen beli cake buat ulang tahun orang terdekat kalian, yuk mampir ke www.instagram.com/momandme_id buat beli pudding-pudding enak dan unik!

kak, sama mama papa nya sering diajak solat tiap jam 5 pagi, jam 2 siang, jam 5 sore, jam 7 malam, jam 9 malam. tapi ngajak solat nya itu teriak teriak, bayuu ayok solat bayuu, bayuu ayok solat bayuu, bayuuu, bayuuu. dan biasanya itu ngajaknya ga liat-liat keadaan, dan terkesan maksa, pernah ga?

wah bayu sayangnya aku belum pernah diajak solat...
maaf ya kurang bisa membantu.

if you have to go through every heartbreaks again in order to meet her/him, would you do it?

I would.
Time and time again, I would.
I would run head first to all my previous heartbreaks. I would embrace them with salty cheeks and a grin on my lips, knowing full well that somewhere down the line, she is there to make every ounce of pain worth it.

Punya temen cewe yg ngga tau malu ,gak? Snapchat or pap muka & tingkah22 aneh? Ko gue lama22 geli ya liat temen gw begitu .cewe tapi ga ada kalem22nya .Baiknya gue tegur apa gimana ya?

"gue lama22 geli" itu bacanya gimana sih?
gue lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama geli?


Language: English