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Ask @nyankent

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What's a book that you expect someone knowledgeable to have read? Well, I think most of us take Malcolm Gladwell books as a given, but do you have any other book in mind?

Sorry Christina, but I think Malcom Gladwell is overrated.
I would go out on a limb and whip out a classic:
a book I adore so much that if I'm PDKT-ing a girl and she has not read this book,
I would personally buy a hard copy of this book and give it to her.

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your thoughts along with maldi makes me starting to doubt god's existence since i prefer scientific things (sorry for the grammar and of course, you can count this as a confession)

Hi and please know that I am terribly sorry about this.
I do not, in any way, advocate any of you to go around doubting your god's existence.

I don't know about your god, but if I were a god,
I would be thrilled to see my creation be smart enough to question my existence.

Quite difficult riddle: http://ask.fm/PalakieNevermore/answer/122970251643 - happy solving!

Let me make an attempt!
So, the killer started his killing spree on November 9, 1980. This date was apparently an Islamic New Year.
Thanks to @chiyoppai that pointed out this riddle uses Qur'an as its base (I was digitally flipping through the Holy Bible).
November 9, 1980 is the start. And the end is at March 2, 1981.
There are 114 days between November 9 and March 2.
There are 114 books in the Qur'an.
So let's start.

November 10, 1980 (it is the second date, so we look at the second book: Surat Al-Baqarah) and then flip through the number of casualties:
For example, the killer was kind to 109 Christians.
So we flip to Surat Al-Baqarah 2:109, which states "Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves [even] after the truth has become clear to them. SO PARDON AND OVERLOOK until Allah delivers His command. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent."
The killer was obeying the Qur'an.
So we go through the catalog and find out that the date refers to the book and the number refers to the verse.
Another example, December 27, 1980: The killer made peace with 10 muslims.
We flip to Al-Hujurat 49:10, which states"The believers are but brothers, so MAKE SETTLEMENT BETWEEN YOUR BROTHERS. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy."

Go through everything and you will find that on the February 22, 1981 (which, is the 106th days and should point to the 106th book in the Qur'an), the killer let go of 6 Jews he caught.
So we should be looking at Quraysh 106:6.
Guess what? Quraysh only has four verses.

Based on this, I deduce that the killer is making fun of the Jews by not acknowledging their existence in the end.

Oh god that was long. I hope I didn't embarrass myself.

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kent kent gue pernah pas SMA ulangan MTK gangerti terus gue gambar onta di toilet buat guru gue terus abis itu malah ditegur katanya jangan gambar kalo gabisa tapi apalah daya peler onta

The Grand Dementor of Cipete
Nah para anon sekalian yang kalo ulangan Matematika nggak ngerti cara kerjanya bisa ikutin cara Kak Adit.
Ujung-ujungnya sama-sama remidi sih, tapi kan seenggaknya bisa menghibur dikit.

ka, seperti yang kita lihat sekarang...dirimu kan sangat pintar...pernah ga sih sewaktu masih sekolah nilaimu anjlok?

Waktu SD, ulangan Matematika gue pernah dapet 0 (yes, literally 0) karena nggak bisa menyetarakan penyebut.
Waktu SMP, gue pernah nangis (yes, literally nangis) gara-gara ulangan Agama gue di bawah rata-rata (wow kent so cengeng).
Waktu SMA, semua mata pelajaran yang nggak berhubungan dengan IPA (Bahasa Indonesia, PPKn, Geografi, Sejarah, etc etc), gue nggak pernah dapet nilai di atas delapan. Seriously. Nilai pelajaran di rapot gue dulu kalo nggak di atas sembilan, ya di bawah delapan.
Now you know.

Ko Kent, apart from some countries with specific religious leanings. why do you think Christmas is so popular all around the world? Surely not just because "West is cool“, because Easter doesn't get the same amount of attention, no?

Steffi Teowira
Hi, Steffi!
You don't know how much I miss answering your question :d
I think there are several reasons:
1. Christmas is at the end of the year
People would unconsciously associate Christmas with a long holiday. And who among us don't like holidays? Ehe.

2. Santa Claus!
Which, apparently, is a contraction of St. Nicholas, a monk who was born in the 3rd century.
Children everywhere love Christmas because of this. This notion is sowed early in the childhood and perpetually carried forward.
Only when we grow up do we realize the capitalistic truth behind Christmas.

A moderate riddle: http://ask.fm/PalakieNevermore/answer/122929102971 - Happy solving!

Mario I will make an attempt to crack this riddle of yours.
I have two approaches:
The room is maroon >> RGB code is #800000
We can safely ignore the integration part because you already gave us the integrated form.
Opposite of maroon then is #000080 (why? because blue is the opposite of red), which apparently is navy blue.
The opposite of this room divided by 5, then is equal to 16.
x^x^x = 16 -> x = 2

Another method will be using trial and error.
Because it's x^x^x quickly approaches infinity, even x = 3 will result in 7.6*10^12.
Therefore it is either x = 1 or x = 2. If x is equal 1, then the mathematical hint would not make sense.

Ergo, Amy should press the number two.

Apa yang lo lakuin kalau : Lo sayang banget sama seseorang, segalahal lo lakuin demi kebaikan dia. Kalian putus, dia jadian sama orang lain, dan pacar barunya ngata-ngatain padahal nga kenal lo. Beberapa tahun kemudian tiba-tiba dia balik lagi. Lo ladenin (tapi biasa aja) eh orangnya nga tau diri

There is this "unfollow" button on my page.
Do me a favor and click that button.

hey! bukti Tuhan kita ada itu ada d alkitab. baca deh, ad banyak kisah tentang tanah perjanjian, dan waktu di cek tempat itu benar sama yg skrg ada di bumi. bukti2 mau kiamat, ada di alkitab, dan persis sama alkitab. ya mungkin km gamau baca juga, tp aku ga trima km blg keberadaan Tuhan gaad bukti:)

Keep in mind that the Bible was written by men.
Yes, the "promised land" does exist, but what exactly are you trying to prove?
Existence of God or existence of the promised land?
Just because a part of book is true doesn't imply the truth of the whole book.
You are using circular and non-sequitur reasoning.
Learn to argue better, Greenhorn.

By the way, this is the one and only religious question I would ever answer.
Any further religious question or any question regarding my choice of religion will be blocked.

There's this type of mouse which gives birth once a month, birthing 12 babies each time. Baby mice mature and can give birth two months after they are born. You picked up one of these baby mice at the pet shop and brought it home the day after it was born. In 10 months, how many mice will you have?

Let's assume that each mouse is capable of parthenogenesis (ability to reproduce by itself),
and then let's assume that all mice live longer than 10 months.
If so, then,
Month 1: 1 baby
Month 2: 1 juvenile
Month 3: 1 mature, 12 babies
Month 4: 1 mature, 12 juveniles
Month 5: 1 mature, 12 matures, 12 babies, 144 babies
Month 6: 13 matures, 156 juveniles
Month 7: 13 matures, 156 matures, 156 babies, 1872 babies
Month 8: 169 matures, 2028 juveniles
Month 9: 169 matures, 2028 matures, 2028 babies, 24336 babies
Month 10: 2197 matures, 26364 juveniles
Leaving us with 28,561 mice at the end of month 10.

Oh but since you only picked up "one" of those baby mice,
and mice are generally incapable of parthenogenesis,
after 10 months, you will only have one mouse.

maaf ka aku nge-ask, kalo becandaan tentang 'agama baru' bukannya agak keterlaluan ya ?

I got so many questions regarding Maldi's new religion: Pastafarian.

I will answer this in all seriousness.
And since this is quite a sensitive topic, let me answer in English. Otherwise stupid anons will come and preach their religion to me.
All I ask of you is to read this answer with objectiveness.
It is always better to have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.
Okay, here goes.

1. Ask yourself this: "Why would I make fun of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?"
Chances are you would say, "Oh come on, obviously there is no such thing as a spaghetti monster flying through the space!"
Because it's invisible?
How do you prove that your God exists then?
You can't, can you?
(Oh, and saying "I know my God exists because if He didn't, we wouldn't be either," is not a proof. It's a logical fallacy involving circular reasoning).
"The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike." - Delos McKown

2. Ask yourself this: "Why would I get mad at FSM?"
Chances are: "Oh, but it's blasphemy toward other religion!!!"
How so?
Pastafarian does not, in any way, hinder your religious choice.
Have pastafarians bombed your churches or your mosques?
Have they started the holy wars like the ones in the 11th century?
As George Carlin once said, "More people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason."

3. FSM was originally made in a satirical open letter
I'm sure I will get loads of questions like, "What is satirical?"
Fuck you. Google it yourself.
But yes, the concept of FSM was originally conceived in a satirical open letter as a protest about creationism being taught in schools in Kansas.
The entire religion is supposed to be satirical. Lighten up, people.
Oh and when you feel like fuming off, realize that all religions are man-made.

So which do you think is correct?
"In the beginning, God created man?"
"In the beginning, men created god?"

Oh, and,

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People "fall in love" with other people in different ways and aspects. I first and foremost tend to crush on someone's brain (brains are hella sexy). How about you? It'd be awesome if you could describe it in a beautiful piece of writing :).

I hate chocolate.
It tends to stick to my throat and makes my voice hoarse.
Even more so, I detest hot chocolate.
It burns the roof of my mouth, leaving my tongue numb.

So I find it odd that I am deeply enticed by her warm chocolaty eyes.
Or by the way the sides of her eyes wrinkle as she smiles.
Oh and when she finally lets out her soft voice and lets me take a peek into her mind,
that's when I realize that, for once, I'm falling without the help of gravity.

A very simple riddle. Answer before you look at others' answers: I'm the creator of Gods. I'm the reason why someone exists. I don't create everything yet I create everyone. I do but I am not. I am inside your worst nightmare, but one doesn't live without me. I'm no magic, but I'm sorcery. Who am I?

The letter "O."

Gimana perasaan lo ketika secara gak sengaja lo menemukan foto lama cewek/istri lo di feskbuk lagi kissing hot banget sama ex nya?

Tentunya sedih sekali.
Saya akan mendedikasikan sisa kehidupan saya untuk menciptakan mesin waktu,
kembali ke masa tiga detik sebelum mereka berciuman dan mengageti mereka, membatalkan ciuman mereka.

Mas, goblok jangan dipelihara.

http://ask.fm/shareinshafa/answer/123168449179 kak bs tolong jelasin ga caranya gimana? thanks in advance kakk

Jadi pertanyaannya kan gini:
"beli baju harganya 97k, pinjem duit ke 2 orang, 50k satu orang, jadi totalnya 100k, dapet kembalian 3k, kembaliin masing" 1k ke dua orang, simpen 1k buat diri sendiri, jadi utangnya tinggal 49k. 49k+49k= 98k+1k(uang yang disimpen)=99k seribunya lagi ke mana?"

Note kalau 98k itu adalah hutang kamu kepada dua orang tersebut. Sedangkan 1k adalah uang yang kamu punya.
Nggak masuk akal kalau kamu menambahkan 98k dengan 1k. Ini seperti mencoba menambahkan 10 kilometer dengan dua jam. Mereka adalah dua hal yang berbeda yang nggak bisa dijumlahkan.

Cara menghitung yang benar adalah dengan prinsip akuntansi:
Aset = Beban
Nah awalnya kan kamu nggak ada duit tuh. Kamu pinjem duit 100k, jadinya:
aset = 100k, beban = 100k.
Terus kamu belanja baju seharga 97k.
aset = 100k (terdiri dari baju 97k dan kembalian 3k), beban masih tetap = 100k.
Kamu kembaliin duit 1k ke masing-masing orang dan kamu memiliki:
aset = 98k (baju 97k dan sisa kembalian 1k), bebanmu sekarang menjadi 98k.

There is no missing money.

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