

Ask @recoverypixie

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babe if it helps, maybe try not to focus so much on your outward appearance? after all, it is the least impt part of you, all the impt stuff that makes you beautiful are on the inside. When you are healthy and happy and treating yourself well, it will naturally show on the outside.

I really wanna stop focusing on my appearance too ? But I just can't help hating my body right now...... And it's also not just appearance, but I also can't help feeling greedy and all ???? I won't give up no matter how hard it gets tho. I believe I'm near the end which is why it gets harder and harder ?

what does bbi stand for ? anyway just want to encourage you with this verse: take heart for God has overcome the world. you will overcome ed too! ????

Bad Body Image. Thank you so much for encouraging me!!!!! ??? I really need to keep God close to my heart. Especially when I feel my weakest.

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are you naturally tanned?

Haha am I very tan!!! But yeah I get tan very easily! And it doesn't fade lighter hahaha ?

Don't listen to ed Calista! Although you may feel that you like your body more when it is skinnier, but by feeding it properly you are showing it so much more love than you did by starving it to be thin. Love your body, not just your appearance k? ? i know you're trying your best, proud of you ?

I wanna love my body so so much ? I've ill-treated it and it's time I loved it back more than ever. But a part of me can't stop focusing in on the flaws. I'm sorry body...... I feel like I don't deserve my body fighting for me sometimes. Am I weird? Oh well, it'll get better ?

You're looking healthier and happier everyday :D

I hope so ?? It's hard...... I keep trying to remind myself I'm looking better. Well one things for sure, I'm happier ?

does eating more and restoring weight improve your mood and ability to feel positive?

It does :) A better nourished brain definitely helps yknow! You'll be able to think more logically and your mood will be much better once you eat more! The bad days do come but who doesn't have bad days right :) Tell yourself, once the bad days pass, "I WILL END UP STRONGER!!!" ??????

I love your positivity, it's really uplifting! But if you are struggling or feeling down, don't feel pressured to force a smile on your face and put on a brave front. People who are genuinely cheering you on will root for you through both the ups and the downs. ?

Aww thank you so much ??? I do have my down days but actually talking myself out of them is my way of coping. If I keep dwelling on it I know it'll make it worse. So the positivity is how I help myself cope through situations :)

How do you make sure your off the shoulder tops don't slip down? I have a problem w that and also w finding strapless bras that stay up hahah

Hahaha find those with good elastics!!!!! They're okay with me because I have broader shoulders so they stay on quite well :}

Hi Calista, merry christmas! Can i ask if you have any recommendations for UEMs that have relatively light workload or easy to score? Currently struggling to find uems to take for the upcoming semester, hope you can help! Thanks! :-)

Hello!!!! Omg I need a good UEM to take too ??? But I know Science of Music was good! My friends recommended me Understanding the Universe and Animal Behavior too~

So happy for you for challenging at the party!!!!! you're really amazing!

Thank you so much!!!!!! Actually it wasn't too difficult! Just gotta tell myself, everyone is doing it, I can too! I don't want to live my life being anxious and avoiding food at gatherings ?☝?

Hi do you mind sharing how your therapist helped you in recovery? Is there a plan? Like first step is to gain weight then second step is something else?

Yes!!!!! First step is definitely weight gain! But the mental part is so impt too! My therapist talks me through how I developed this, reasons with me when I tell her all my disordered thoughts. She let me see how ridiculous they actually sound and also gives me inspiration every time :') I love her so much hehe!

Jia you babe!!! It will take a while but you'll pull through ? stay strong k? it'd be horrible if you are struggling with ed when you go out to work.

I know :( It's already horrible now. I want to start work being completely normal and ED free and I know I can hehe ☺️??

Are you worried that you won't be able to stop gaining weight after reaching the target weight?

Of course!!!! I keep telling my doctors about it haha! That I'm so afraid that I'd become super heavy and the weight gain won't stop. But I gotta trust that my body knows its own setpoint weight and it'll readjust.
Think about it, everyone is not ballooning up despite eating everyday. There is no point trying to maintain an unnatural weight for our bodies. It's tiring and unhealthy. I just want to enjoy and eat because I want to. My body will know when the weight is at its right point :)

hello Calista :) don't worry about where you stand in comparison to others. I'm VERY sure there are many girls who think you are cool and pretty (which you definitely are) and feel inadequate in certain ways when they compare with you. You're also up there yourself so have a bit more confidence! :))

Aww thanks dear :') I guess it's human nature to compare right :( But gotta remember that there is no other Calista in the world like me, and I can never be the best in all that I do. Just gotta make sure I've given my best ?

Do you make sure u eat a specific number of calories a day or just eat whatever u want?

Just eat haha I don't count calories anymore ?

Sigh love you so much although I don't know you I feel like life is not hopeless or worthless after all ?

You're so sweet ahhhh!!!!!! ??? Life is really not worthless :) It's up to you whether you can make the most of life or not right :) You can do this babe!!!!!!! I want to give you an encouraging hug and just tell you that you're amazing too ???

Are you planning to go vegan?

Kimmy Ko
Haha definitely not now :) I want to recover first and I know that veganism is not the best for me now! But idk about the future though ☺ For me, I am not the super meat-loving type too! But if I went vegan I want to make sure it's completely due to ethical reasons :)

How Long have Yiu been seeing betterlife?

Started first few consultations in Feb but proper sessions started in August after I came back from my exchange!

I don't feel good enough to be anyone's friend :(

Nooooooo ? Friendship isn't built on "standards" or "qualities"! Have more confidence dear girl :)


Language: English