

Ask @recoverypixie

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Is the japanese food oyako and ebi from your school? how much is it! jiayou sweet girl it looks great!

Yessssss!!!!! Hehehe looks good right! Omg wish you could try it too! Are you from NUS??? If you are it's from Biz canteen k!

Would you be able to tell your bf's family about your ed on your own?

I don't think I'd be able to do it on my own.......... ?

How did you manage to open up about your ED to your family and your bf's family?

My BF told them for me. Hahaha I didn't have a choice he just did it. But thank god he did because it saved me ?

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Does your bf's Mom know about your ed?

Mhmm! His whole family does but they still love me and support me so much ???

You did great today!! Don't feel bad/greedy bc you're eating normal portions (: jiayou!!

Hehehe yeah actually there's nothing to feel bad about right! I'm starting to have a normal appetite! I'm getting back to normal! I should be happyyyyyy ???

Whats your favourite time of the day?

Breakfast time, when I just ?, coming out from the shower, time with my family/bf,..........

hihi just wanna say , can see the effort you're putting in into recovery. keep fighting, don't give up!!!

Thank youuuuu ??? Sigh I can do more still! But really encouragements like this really just make me want to improve even more. Idk if it's part of ED but it feels good when my efforts are acknowledged and validated? But I am just going to use this to make even more improvements and moving forward!!!!!!! Hehehe ???

happy (and v v v proud too!!) seeing your appetite and stomach capacity increase, YES YOU ARE STRONG YES YOU CAN CONQUER THIS ED MONSTER YES YOU CAN DO IT

I'm really happy too :') It's like giving me a sneak peak into what being recovered would be like and yes, IT IS WORTH IT!!!!!! I wanna increase my appetite and stomach even more! Thanks for being so supportive and encouraging!!!!!! ????????? Hahaha I'm virtually hugging you right now! :}

For with God, nothing is impossible. Our Heavenly Father will guide you through this recovery process! 加油加油!?❤️ —T

Through God I can :') Thank you so so much T ?????? I can definitely do this and it'll be a testimony to hopefully encourage others of how God can work in us ??

Hello! I've been a silent reader of your dayre? I was at church yesterday, and I sense the Lord telling me to tell you that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by Him, Calista, you are wonderful. ✨ don't think that you'll never recover, because YOU WILL! —T

Hello T!!!!!! You're so precious yknow :') Thanks for bringing God's words to me today........ I'm really so so thankful :') God loves me in this huge world He created, and that is where my value lies right :) T, you are so wonderful and amazing too hope you know that ❤️?

been stalking ur dayre since the start and u have made HUGE mental progress. don't stop don't stop!!! ???

Aww!!!!! You don't know how motivating this is for me!!!!!! Some days I feel like I'll never recover but really, there is progress right :') Thanks for supporting me and I hope you can continue watching me grow and improve more and more!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

and always rmb what you achieved tonight + frog leg supper, -and may the good food and memories fuel you on on your recovery journey ✌?️

Mhmm, and these memories will be what I will remember thirty years down the road. Not how many calories I ate or what I weigh. I am more than that :} TO CREATING MORE MEMORIES!!!!! ?

you're right in saying "This pain is temporary, the happiness waiting for me is permanent" - JIAYOUS KEEP FIGHTING ✌?️

HAHAHA yesssss!!!!! Just gotta keep myself focused on my end goal right? Happiness and peace with myself ??

but docs only check your weight and prescribe medications which not everyone needs?? isn't that a waste of paying them unless you need an MC?

Haha yeah she monitors my vitals and makes sure of my progress and also like prescribe meds for issues like bloating, constipation, etc! I'm thankful for both of them :)

Thanks for sharing the bible verses from the book! I appreciate it a lot :) ?

Hahaha if they really help you I'll post more from time to time!!!!! ☺️

u should really up your intake a lot it's not even enough dear.. In the hospital the total intake is at least twice of yrs up your rice

Arasohhhhh!~ HAHA! Are you in recovery too??

Hello! You're doing great but do try to up your calories? Some days it seems like you're only eating 1200 cals which is still a weight loss amount..!! Jiayou!!

I actually don't know how many calories I eat now ? But yeah gonna work on increasing!!!!! ☺️??

pls so t apologize about disappointing me; you should be more concerned that you're disappointing your family and loved ones

Haha sigh I know I know ???? I really hate myself for being a burden and disappointment to them too. But if you're trying to knock sense into me, pls don't dismiss the fact that I do try? I have so much more I can be better in but when you put it like that like I'm not even trying, it's honestly quite demoralizing........ ?

it's one thing to say and another thing to act on it. I think you're sincere about wanting to recover, but your action don't match up

But thanks for this timely reminder :) Harsh as it is, I needed this to see that I'm not getting anywhere if I don't push even harder. I am sincere about recovery!!! And haha thanks for giving me this push ?

if you haven't realised, you have said "I won't stop trying tmr will be better!" for a week already. and have you delivered on it??

Sigh....... Sorry to disappoint you I guess ???? But there are good days there are bad days. I know deep inside them I do try and I see progress, no matter how small or insignificant. Ultimately each recovery is unique and I am not going to stop trying, but do be patient and while I agree that I can be doing a lot better, I really do see improvements day by day. So if I haven't "delivered" up to your expectations, I apologize. But I know deep down I am moving forward and yeah won't stop trying ?


Language: English