

Ask @recoverypixie

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What others eat is their responsibility and decisions, we are responsible for our own health and happiness. Love and take care of ourselves so we can love those that love us back :) jiayou!

Mhmm!!! Hahaha I'm really not affected :) I know I would be last time but even if I knew she wasn't going to have breakfast, I'd still eat my breakfast, because I know that's my happiest meal of the day and my body works best when it starts the day with a filled tummy hehehe ☺️☺️☺️

Which celebrity would you like to be for one day and what would you do?

Is Tony Stark a celebrity? Can I be a rich genius too HAHAHAHA! I will fly around in the iron man suit and be a ballerrrrr

jia you!!! it may not seem like it, but you are still v skinny. keep pushing ok? you're doing very well alr. one day you will be able to eat ice cream and churros and tempura and just enjoy without fear. :) (omg ice cream and CHURROS and TEMPURA. shitttt now I just made myself want to eat hahahah)

Hello ☺️☺️☺️ Thank you :) Sorry for the late reply!!! I guess skinny or not, without my period I cannot stop! Hehe why you making me crave too dear!!!!!!!! ? CHURROSSSSSSS gosh I miss them ????

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Whats ur food challenge for the day? ^>^*

Hahaha! To eat whatever I crave and not what is healthier/lower in calories! ?

Do everything for him and ur future kids yup? Keep having faith. Weight is nth but numbers.

Yeah ?????? Thanks for this reminder :) What's "being skinny" and "weighing less" for if I am not happy, if I can't have kids, if my BF is not happy right? :) FIGHTING!!!!! ❤️?

Do you prefer uni life or jc life? Why?

UNI FOR SURE WHAT QN IS THIS JC WAS HORRIBLE NO LIFE STUDY PW JUST NO. Somemore I had the ugliest JC uniform of all. Try and guess which school

Did your bf tell u he wants kids? Hope u cn recover asap for him cos anorexic sufferers tend to have difficulty conceiving and now tt u are not young ...u still hvnt got ur period...u not worried?

Yes he always says he wants several kids!!!! (To which I'd reply, "NO ONLY TWO MAX") HAHAHA!!!! But honestly I love kids too :') I know...... sigh what am I doing with my life. I really wanna be a mum too I've even thought of what names I'd name my future kids, what I'd do with them on weekends, what their rooms will look like, etc. OK REASONS TO RECOVER!!!!!!!!! ??

How did you get to know your bf? And how do you know he is the one for u?

He was introduced to me by a mutual friend :) I guess we'd never know whether someone is the ideal perfect one for us. TBH he is not my ideal type too. But when he steals your heart, you don't care whether he is buff or not, handsome or not. You care whether he is safe, whether he has eaten, if he is happy. Because he cares the same for you ? I don't know whether he is the one for me but I am going to try my very hardest to make it work ?

What was the main influence/trigger that got you into ED? (Apart from just wanting to be skinny) you are really brave to share your experience! Keep going, girl!

I used to have an underbite and it made me feel extremely self-conscious. I only corrected it after JC and yknow, when you finally think you can be one of the prettier ones....... I guess I started to associate my self-worth with my appearance........ maybe I'll blog one day about how my ED started.

Does your bf get angry when you eat salads/don't eat much meat?

Haha he does try to ask me to eat more meat and choose other foods but as long as I include some carbs and protein in my meal he's fine ba!

Ooh what tuition agency was it? Did u have to pay them or sth

You can try searching Eastpoint Case Listings on Facebook! :} Yeah most of the time they'll take 50% of the first month's pay as commission!

Do you normally eat in school alone? (e.g. the jap food you posted on dayre). I mean excluding the times you eat with your bf! :)

Hahaha when I'm studying I'd eat alone!!!! I'm okay with it actually and sometimes I prefer it cuz I can take my time and watch videos while eating hahaha!

What course are you taking in NUS? By the way the Oyako don you posted on your dayre is from the Jap stall at Biz?

Mechanical Engineering ☺️ Yup yup!!!! Have you tried it before? :)

Why do you not stay in campus since you live so far away at Tampines?

I used to stay in hall! But it's quite ex and I'd rather save the money and just travel haha!

Thank you for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it so much :) You are really sweet, have a great Friday alright!

Aww you're very much welcome ? You have a great great Friday and weekend too alright!!!!! ???

Sorry to be bothering you but I admire your way of life and positivity and I need some advice... :( 1. Are there times when you don't want to see your boyfriend because you want to be alone? How do you put it across? 2. How do you deal with quarrels that arise because of food/ed(are there any?)

Hey dear!!! You're not bothering me :) Thank youuuu and hmm, okay 1. We all need our alone times!!!! For me I'd just tell my BF honestly because I know he'd understand! I guess you can try that too and assure him that it's because you want to have some me-recharging time and not because you don't wanna spend time with him! That's very different :) Maybe you can also suggest another time to see him after your "alone time" so he'd not feel like you're pushing him away too? :)
2. SO MANY QUARRELS OMG. But I'd sincerely apologize. Most of the time I'd text them an apology because I'm afraid to do so in person but just be sincere! I guess it's about realizing that relationships are so much more impt than your pride/ED voice and you don't want ED to take away smth so precious. Be it your family, friends or with your BF, it's not worth losing them just for other people's validation of us right? Thanks for this it's like a little reminder to me too :) I love the people in my life way too much I'm not going to let ED take any of it away from me ?❤️
Hope this helps a little k!!! ?????? Jiayou Jiayou girl I'm here with you!!! ???

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am tempted to make a PB&J toast as a snack now after seeing your pic ??

HAHAHAHAHA WHY NOT!!!!! It's so yummy ??? Show meeeeee if you do :) Hahaha!


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