

Ask @recoverypixie

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U will be the next aly (sg version)!!! Fighting

What!!!!! HAHAHAHA this is weirdly flattering ??? But thank you :) I just want to be happy and hopefully help others to be happy too :)

how much more you need to be at ur mhw? Keep pushing on , u can do this n get bck ur lyfe ^>^*

About 4-5 more kgs heh ? LAST STRETCH CMON PUSHHHHH!!!!!

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That's such a huge achievement!! ???? how did u mentally accept the weight gain? Has there been a big change in how you look/feel?

HAHAHAHA aww thanks!!!!!! Haha it's honestly not easy. I mean when the weight gain started showing, I almost slipped back so so many times and it honestly sucks :( But it's about constantly reminding yourself, that yeah sure weight gain sucks, but when you saw your family crying, when you realized how alone and miserable you are, didn't that suck more!!!
There's been a huge change!!! My belly and thighs are so flabby now I understand now when they say weight gain is concentrated at the belly and thigh area now. But I mean, it's not permanent!!!! It WILL redistribute but I cannot slip back if not my body will be even more confused whether to hold on to the fats or not right! And also, women are naturally made to hold more fats!!!! I mean, our boobs are fats! That's just how God made us and he made us all beautiful :) So yup, learning to embrace this and you can too yeah? ??????

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Hello there ? i struggle with body image ever since I was a child, and have never liked how I looked. But after reading your posts, just want to thank you for the message that there are indeed more important things than weight and appearance!! Like being healthy and having my loved ones with me ?❤

Heyyyyyyy :) Yeah I guess everyone has their own insecurities and we're all learning everyday right :) I'm trying to remind myself of that too everyday! That it's what's inside that matters! And we can do it tgt okay ? You can!!! Hehehe jiayou lovely ??????

if they're challenges then all the more you should try them :) You can do it!!

Mhmm, all the more reason to challenge and find back my love for sweet treats right hehe! Thanks babe!!!!! ☺☺☺

whats your favourite pre ed food?

How to choose one hmm ? I'd have to say like desserts! Matcha desserts, chocolate, waffles all hehe! I have a huge huge sweet tooth! But desserts are such a challenge for me now ?

How to persevere in recovery when ppl around u are trying to lose weight ><

I struggle with this too ☹️ But if they are losing weight to be healthier, then that's smth good for them! But if you need to gain weight to be healthier, then do that! :) It's unfair if everyone has to eat more or unhealthily just so you can feel better right :) Focus on what will make you, better!

Hi Calista :) i know with ed//other health problems, you may feel like you're just a burden to ppl around you. But rmb that they would not stick around if they didn't think you're worth it. In their eyes you are so precious and valuable, and worthy of much more love than you give yourself.

You're right ??? I have so much to be thankful for and so many people who are fighting this battle with me, I have no reason to not fight my hardest right :) If not for me, for them. Thanks for reminding me of my blessings dear ??

hello just wna say rly proud of your progress so far :) as someone who had ed i know its rly hard but you cannot fall back if not itll be even harder ok!! ?? youre still rly thin so dont let anyone affect you & focus on recovery ok ? keep it up youre rly inspirational (and gorg omg ? !!!!)

Thank you so so much sweet babe!!! ??? You're so strong to have done it!!!! I won't give up till I get there too :) Health is what matters right :) You're really so kind and sweet ? Have a pleasant Monday and blessed Christmas to you!!! ❤️????

Hi Calista, don't worry about fast weight gain! Better to recover quickly than drag this out for months and years k?

Hello sorry I'm replying this so late!!!!!!!! :( But yeah thanks for the reminder!!!!! ?? And the sooner I get it over with the better right!!!!

Hey Calista, crying doesn't make you weak alright! It's perfectly fine to cry, it makes you feel better. JIAYOU girl! You can do this ? *hugs* ?? — T

Hello dearest T :') I just wish I wasn't such a crybaby yknow!!!!!! Tough times happen and I gotta learn how to face them instead of hiding and crying :( But it's alright, I'm learning and I'm growing :) Thanks for making me feel better T ?????????

Do you weight yourself aside from appt? Does your bf demand to know your weight and how do you keep it from affecting you?

No I have managed to not weigh myself between appts Hehehe because I know it'll only affect my mood and focus on recovery. Why should I jeopardize myself :}
Nope he doesn't but I do tell him because he has a right to know and he actually makes me feel better haha! I'd tell him my weight thinking it's so high alr and he'd make it seem like it's still very low ?

It gets worse before it gets better. See the tough times through and you'll get to where you want to be. Jia you, i believe in you!

Thank you sweetie ?? The challenging times will only serve to strengthen me right? :) Hehehe fighting!!!!!! ??

hello! Do you mind sharing a bit about better life clinic? or like the ed treatment plan/ how the consults go etc! thanks so much (:

Hello!!!!! I visit the doctor and a counselor! They're all super nice there :) I think that different people will see different people there depending on your situation? Cuz I know of some ppl who do not consult my doctor!
Generally, they really do care and they are super nice and encouraging! I think it's always good to have professional help in recovery to make sure that proper progress is being made :)

our weight and looks do not define us. i do see your efforts though! keep it up! you are on your way to becoming even prettier, right? :)

Haha and healthier!!!!!!!! ☺️ Thank you so much babe!!!!! For reminding me not to slack off any moment in recovering! Fighting!!!!!! :) I'll keep putting in more and more effort :)

hi, just want to praise you for considering recovery at all. not trying to be mean at all but your intakes are really not a lot. don't let the evil devil (ED) speak authority over you! always remind yourself that it won't make you gain just over a meal, it's nourishment that you need! jiayou :)

Heyyyyy yeah I know my intake is really little ? But actually I don't post my full intake too :) I take snacks throughout the day but am too lazy to take a photo of them ? I know my dinner is always very small too sigh that's a huge challenge man..........

tbh i'm actually quite jealous of you ? (sounds funny but yeah) bcoz your body don't look bloated or gaining any body fats when you're on recovery now unlike me. my face, claves, tummy all look so bloated and looking so yuck ?

Nooooo my tummy is so jiggly wiggly now ☹️ And I'm sure you look fine dear!!!! Even prettier I'm sure because health is beauty ❤️ Hehe the weight will redistribute we just have to trust in it and press on k ??????


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