

Ask @recoverypixie

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts , really appreciate it ^^*

It's a self-reminder to myself too :) You're welcome dear ??

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(just want to add to one of the asks below) anon if you have gotten your period but are still underweight or below your pre-ed weight, you still need to keep gaining. Period is not the only indicator. Jia you! Your body will know :)

Yeahhhhhh Jiayou ok!!!!! ?????? I am waiting for the day you tell me that your period is back!!!!!

So are u prepared or okay with gaining beyond bmi 18.5 if ur period doesnt come,..? Or u gna go bck into habit again? :(

I am very prepared. Because to me, I am really determined to get my period back. Don't rely on a number to tell you you're healthy! Your body will give you your period when you have enough energy and are healthy enough to reproduce :) Are you going to be happy with being a bmi 18.5 over having a loving healthy family to grow old with in future my dear? :)

Hw much more time u need to work on gaining before ur nxt appt *? How mny meals u eat daily?

I eat my three main meals and I snack between lunch and dinner and after dinner! Also, I don't appreciate how this is like an interrogation. Haha are you genuinely concerned for me? ?

Ya! Thn i keep snacking until i am exploding, do u face tt? Is it even normal? I am afraid i will gain too fast :(

I think it's normal babe it's our bodies telling us it wants more food because it is starved :( There is no gaining too fast I guess! There's a finish line you're heading towards and does it matter how fast or how slow as long as you pass the line eventually? ☺️

If u don't count calories how do u ensure u are gaining weight?

If I count calories I'm pretty sure I won't hahaha ? I just eat when I feel like it! I want to heal my r/s with food where I eat what I like and what I crave. I want to forget all caloric values forever and that won't happen if I keep referring and tracking them.

just curious, did you share the llao llao with your bf?? must be so sweet, sharing a llao llao (given its significance to you both ?)

Yeah we shared it :) We always choose one crunch each, and standard fruits and the same sauce! Hahaha it was like our "thing". ?

just read the post about your ED-free weekend date with your bf, and am most envious ? wish I could have the same with my bf soon...

Yknow what's the good news? :) You don't have to wish for it. You simply make it happen. It's so so worth it yknow. I'm sure your bf will be so happy to have such a happy and carefree time with you :') Just go for it!!!!!! ??????

how did you and your bf meet? bet there's a sweet story behind jt ?

HAHAHAHAHAHA we met through a mutual friend but how we started talking more....... maybe I'll blog about it haha!

Do u get hungrier after u ate a meal ? I am facing tt, so scaryyyy

OMG I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN BABE!!!!! Hahaha after dinner I'm just unsatisfied but physically full I keep needing to take snacks ???

What's a healthy weight? What if my period doesn't return when my bmi reaches 18.5 does that mean I gotta keep gaining? ><

The 18.5 healthy bmi is totally just a gauge!!!!! Your body has its own healthy weight and you have to gain till you get your period!!! It's a natural body function it's so impt to get it back dear!!!

hi just wanted to say how beautiful and brave you are, and I hope you'll see it ?

Thank you so much dear ? That's really very kind :')

Thankyou for the reminder? And yes it's alright to have bbi but we just have to get over it and think of the more important things in life cos life is much more than how much we weigh!

Yeah babe :') We aren't put on earth just to be skinny. We are meant to do so much more right :)

Hello, I m recovering from Ed too and I came across your dayre post and I feel that you're really inspiring and strong. I m struggling v badly with body images and guilt of eating :( have you been thru this stage ?

Thanks dear :) I'm not as strong as you think ? I really do get affected by the negative thoughts at times...... Till now I still have bad body image and guilty thoughts. But we're all learning tgt right? I really wanna love myself just as I am and you should too ya? :)

but I shall stay positive (like you :')), fight hard and trust that things will work out (Y) keep fighting too, and thank you so so so so so much :')

Hey dear :) Thanks for this reminder again this morning! I really needed it. We have so much to fight for, and so much reason to not give up :) Good luck my girl ???

I guess I will initiate and talk things out with him (scares me though I hope I feel as brave as I feel now when I wake up tmrw :( ), and see how we can work things out from here :'( if he still sees sth in us, and in me, that is :(


but thanks for your replies and advice :') somehow I feel less helpless now, knowing that yup I can still salvage and improve things, and more imptly, not to let ED rob me of him and my (future) happiness :')


thanks for answering my questions, I will sleep on them tonight :( truth be told I've been v affected (and worried) about my r/s with my bf for a month alr :(


thanks again for the reminder, and for being such an inspiration ❤

You're so sweet my dear :) Keep fighting okay? :) The ED-free you and r/s with your bf is worth holding on to and fighting for!!!


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