

Ask @recoverypixie

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Hi Calista, you're in nus engineering right?? Just wanna ask for someone like me who don't enjoy sciences should I still consider taking up engineering?

Hmm, in Engineering you definitely will encounter a lot of science!!!!! I'm not kidding! Ultimately, make the decision based on your passion. Do you see yourself doing engineering? I mean having gone through Engineering in nus, I'd say you really have to have the passion or interest in it :) If not school will really be horrible......

Hello ! Congrats to you for getting your period!! How did u manage to overcome the fear of weight gain ?? It's just so difficult for me . I fear drinking water due to the water weight and it's honestly so tough but I can't get rid of the fear of weight gain

Heyyyy!!!!!! Thank you so much sweetie!!!!! :') The fear never really disappeared. Some days are bad, some days I'm more motivated. But just because you fear it, does not mean you give in to your fears and go back to where you started!!! Idk, it's really just pushing through the negativity and telling yourself the fear and bad feelings won't last forever. What do you really want in life :) To always submit to that fear, or take ownership of your life again :)
I used to fear drinking water too omg ??? It's really so bad babe water is so impt!!!!!! Honestly, water retention gets worse if you don't drink enough water!!!!!! I know you fear weight gain. I really understand dear. But if you don't push yourself, you will never escape!!! Don't let yourself be controlled by your fear! Between weight gain and living a miserable life, you have to make a decision. And the weight gain is to become healthy and normal, not even obese! Hahahaha cmon girl Jiayou!!!!!!!!

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Hello :) , for the semester exchange programme in nus , is it only applicable to students from a certain course or all students from sci faculty can apply as Long as we meet the requirements?

Hey!!!!!!! I'm sorry I'm not too sure for science fac!!! But if you meet the requirements and you are able to map modules overseas, GO FOR IT!!!!!! Exchange is so amazing really!!!!!!!!

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How did you make sure that you ate enough to gain weight everyday? Did u count calories?

I didn't count at all!!! :) It took abit of self control but it's possible to stop counting :) Afterwards I really just ate according to my cravings and hunger! Some days I eat less, some days I binge and extreme hunger takes over, but ultimately I think the body really knows what it's doing and balances out :) I hope this helps!!!!!! Jiayou babe ??❤️

What do you think of @/sherbivore? Have you met her before?

I've never met her before!!!!!! But I think she's a really strong girl :) She's done so well in recovery and I think she deserves more credit!!! And she always makes me go ? at her meals!

Hi calista, saw on your insta that you've been to an exchange programme with nus before , just wanna ask if it is very difficult to get a place? And what did you do to get you a place?

Hey!!!!!! It's definitely not a guarantee that everyone can go on exchange! You need to apply for it, hit the minimum requirement such as CAP, and do the necessary applications and interview! Different faculties do it differently though I think! Are you thinking of applying? :)

CONGRATS ON GETTING YOUR PERIOD BACK!!! if the cramps get unbearable, drink something warm like tea :) By the way, I think you should not go back to too much physical activities yet just because it came back, take it easy

THANK YOUUUU!!!! ?????? Hehehe okay I won't! ☺️ I am slowly incorporating it back to my lifestyle but I definitely won't push myself too hard :) Don't wanna jeopardize my own progress :) Hehehe thanks for the advice babe!!! ??

Hello:))) so happy that you got your period back ? I'm in the midst of recovery too and was wondering if you could share some tips on what you ate/did to get your period back? I know everyone's body is different but I just wanna get an idea !! Thank you and you're my inspiration ??✨

Aww!!!! Hello you!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing in my happiness!!!!!!!! :) Well, what I did was to really just eat according to my cravings leh! I don't even think I was eating super a lot (idk I don't count ?)! But I ate what I was really craving and that included so much nuts, PB and avocados!!!!! I think the increased fats consumption helped :) I was thinking of doing a post on this but...... Idk hahahahaha I feel so weird posting about this kind of things because I'm don't feel like I'm qualified to give advice ? But that's what I did roughly and it really helped me :) All the best dear ?

but really thank you so much for taking the time to type such a long and sincere response. Reading your dayre inspires me

Hehehe thank youuuuuu ???

thanks for answering my qn abt gaining past my HW! :) I'm struggling bc my period didn't stop when I was underweight, even when i met the BMI criteria for diagnosis. It only stopped when I was really really underweight. So I am struggling with how much I have to gain and feel like I have no excuse

Mm, I think what'd help maybe would be to stop thinking of whether you should gain or not? Think of food as fuel and nourishment!!!! Not as a means to gain weight. Eat because you want the energy to be happy and active!!!!!!! ☺️ I think that's most impt dear, whether you're truly happy inside. What's the use of your period back and weight restored or underweight if ultimately, your days are a torture ? Jiayou girl!!!!!!!!! :)

Which girls in recovery do you think have came a long way in your opinion?

Hahahahaha all of those in recovery have come a long way :) It's not easy at all!!!!!! Oh I missed out a few! Pwuitean on Dayre is so so amazing she's so strong I really look up to her!!!! She stopped posting but I really hope she's been doing alright! Also, pohtato inspires me a lot how she is just so happy and eats for nutrition and health :)

Which recovery accounts on dayre do you look up to??

Ooooooh hahaha so many! Those that really helped me are Hazel, Pris and Weilin who kept encouraging me and telling me how they got through their struggles! Joey constantly pushed me in the right direction too! Also, I think kimchinomz really helped me too when I saw how she was constantly pushing herself and she's so young but so strong mentally!!!!! Also, I also look up to accounts that show me how you can be happy and thankful everyday! Like lovebratops, yellowfingers, wanderlust_yx! Omg really so many how ? I really can't say enough how thankful I am for the amount of support I received ???

congrats on getting your period back, so happy for you!!!!! ??? and you did it without taking hormone pills right??

Thank you!!!!!! Nope I didn't! I really didn't wanna use hormone pills hahaha! Wanted to let it come back naturally when my body feels it is ready :)


Thank you sweetie!!!!!!!! :') Hehehehe I feel so blessed to have you all share my joy with me too ???

Congrats on getting ur period back!! So happy for you ?? are u currently at the weight when ur period stopped?

Hahahaha I actually don't remember what was the weight my period stopped! But that doesn't matter to me :) What matters is that I'm healthier now and happier :)

Congrats on your period dear!!! YOU DID IT!!! YAY HEHE glad to see you eating better and being happier! ? — T

Hello T thank you dear!!!!!!!!! ????????? Thanks for encouraging me since the start ?

How do you open up yourself to more varieties of food(eg pau, muffins, cookies etc.)? I always stick to what I feel 'safe' with but I really want to eat a variety of different food:( any tips ?:)

Ohhhhhh actually I'm not very good at this too :( But try telling yourself that, you can recover on veggies and salads, or you can recover on yummy delicious foods you really crave! Either way you have to reach your healthy state again! So which is the better choice? :) After taking that first leap of faith to have your first pau/cookie/muffin, you realize how it doesn't do anything to you at all! :) Hehehehehe so worth the yummy experience too! ?

Hello:) I just started recovery and just wanted to say that u really inspire me on dayre and ig!!! Heheh good job and keep going :))!! Btw, when you first started recovery, did you constantly feel hungry??? I'm not sure if I'm eating too little or what but I'm always hungry:(

Thank you so much!!!!!!!! ??? Omg yes!!!! Actually the extreme hunger comes on and off! When I first started eating more, I couldn't stop I just kept wanting to eat! Then it got better, then occasionally it comes back! Then nearing WR, it kept coming! Every night I got sooooo hungry I just kept eating and eating!

Hello Calista, just wanna ask , is Yale nus and nus the same school ? Or 2 seperate schools?

Omggggggg hehehehehehe I ask myself this all the time too. I REALLY AM NOT SURE LEH!!!!! They're all one NUS! But I think Yale-NUS is a separate program or curriculum that the students follow!

Hi calista, based on your experience is it true that I'll gain weight really quickly when I first start recovery but the weight will soon stabilize? (Like I won't keep gaining 1 kg overnight anymore?)

Yeah!!!!!! Slowly slowly your metabolism will catch up! You'll be able to maintain your weight and eat more!!!!!! It's really possible to heal your metabolism but you must be willing to follow through and put in the effort! :)

Hi Calista, how do you deal with gaining past your HW? Am struggling :(

Oh nooooo :( Idk I was just so focused on getting my period back!!!!!! The clinical healthy weight is just a reference! Your own true healthy weight is when your body is healthy and trusts you enough to start menstruating again!!!! What's the point of staying at that specific BMI if it's still so restrictive and unhealthy!!!!!!! ? You can do this girl!!!!!!!! ??

seeing how far + how much you've achieved in recovery and your r/s with both god and bf... i feel a twinge of envy but also... hope?? ? makes me believe i can too, if i dare and will put my 110% effort into it

Yessssss you can!!!!!!!! Dear you really really can! :) I'm sure everyone doubted themselves while in recovery but my dear you cannot let yourself give up alright? :)

v proud and happy to see how far you've come in your recovery btw, you're radiating so much positivity and happiness it's hard not to feel :') for you too ❤️ stay strong and happy always dear, you're a reminder / inspiration that truly, one can and will recover if they want and dare to ❤

Ahhhhhh thank you so much!!!!!!! ?❤️?❤️?❤️ I really cannot ask for more I really just hope to be able to help others too just like how I got help from others at my lowest too :') And you've really made me so happy I really hope I can continue to be a source of positivity ??

you look so pretty in that white dress!!!! i love white dresses too but i can't pull them off cos of my skin tone ?

Aww!!!!!!! I guess everyone has their own way to dress to suit themselves!!!!! :) What kind of dresses suit you then? :)


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